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The rest of the week went actually pretty well.

Wooyoung had to accept that San was great at leadership. He managed to check everybody's work without being oppressive, but still pointing out the mistakes or the bad outcomings. When it was needed, he aroused the positivity among the members.

His mood regrew better day by day. The very first day he received a text from Yeonjun and this made him so happy that he spent the whole dinner time to smile and chat with Seonghwa and San. He was also getting close with his new roommate, Jisung. They were both more focused on dancing and shared some advices to each other based on their different training histories.

San felt so lucky to finally have the chance to share some conversations with the other guy. It was since their couple dancing that he had craved to know Wooyoung better, but that never came true because of the latter grumpy behaviour towards him. He felt something, that day, which he wanted to feel again. He felt good.

During those shared moments, Wooyoung was like in a trance. He still thought that it was indirectly San's fault if Yeonjun was sent back home, but he couldn't say that the other wasn't a nice person, after all. Which, actually, he had already experimented during the second month of training, when San was the singing coach's assistant, so they talked pretty often.

Sometimes, when he and San shared eye contact, Wooyoung felt flustered and needed to shift his gaze away. He wasn't sure, but it felt like San wanted to enter his deep thoughts and he couldn't let him.

On the other side, San was just curious. Wooyoung, the shy and introverted Wooyoung he had seen around for the previous two months, didn't look introverted anymore when talking to Seonghwa and the others. Probably, he just needed to break his security walls to act this free also with San.

As the days passed, San tried more and more to get closer to Wooyoung using little tricks, not sure if the other caught his intentions. He basically looked at him directly in the eyes every time they talked, gifting with little smiles when his singing was good. Ok, to be fair, probably he smiled way too much, but couldn't help himself. The proud look on Wooyoung's face when he got complimented was too cute to him. That little smirks which grew on the brunette's lips, followed by a light pink shade on his face and the sudden shifting of his gaze, honestly made his days.

San considered a little win the day when Wooyoung pushed his arm when he was involved in a loud laugh. Physical touch wasn't really a Wooyoung's thing. This meant he felt at ease with him.

I like this feeling.

___ • ___

Right before their stage, Wooyoung was more nervous than usual. Probably because this was the very first singing performance he had to do in that program. What if the audience noticed his lacks in that and decided he wasn't good enough to go on? Or, what if his voice cracked and make the whole group to lose, again?

They were about to enter the stage, when Seonghwa approached him and mimicked a "Fighitng" in his lips. This, followed by a little pat on his shoulder by San, helped to release a bit of tension and smile.

Since the performance last about a couple of minutes, and all he had to sing were barely two lines, it finished in the time of a sneeze. He put all his effort in those two lines. The concentration was so high his brain cells were heavy breathing.

When they came back in the backstage, San greeted all of his members. Each one, even who thought didn't do his best. But it had been a good performance for real: he was confident they could win and not risk the elimination. Talking about him, being #1 meant also that he had never faced the anxiety of coming back home, but he knew that Wooyoung and others couldn't share the feeling. In his mind, San wanted them to win to show Wooyoung how good he was, for real. If he could win a singing match, his confidence would boost to heaven, for sure.

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