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"Step 1,2,3 and tah tah tah COME ON THE ROW!!" Wooyoung yelled at the other guys dancing, being in the front, but checking that every person was doing his work great. The choreographer was not there, because this was not an "official" practice, but they all wanted to dance more after the scheduled time, so they stayed there. Of course, Wooyoung took the leadership for the cleaning of the steps, while Hongjoong took the leadership itself. No one decided so, but it simply felt natural this way.

So, Wooyoung was standing, back against the wall, checking every single member and pointing out the mistakes. Of course, not in a disappointed way.

"Seonghwa, you have to jump a little further. I know, the pyramid is pretty large but... you know." he shrugged but Seonghwa nodded. He walked back to his spot and tried his jump alone. He had to reach the very side of the formation in just one movement, it wasn't easy at all. But, considering that he was on the back, and that the camera was focusing on Wooyoung's face on the front, he could do a little step to help his body to move further.

"Ok, once again, I'll watch you guys."

Wooyoung walked to the speakers and replayed the song from the prechorus. He stood again in front of them, a serious look which was analyzing every finger of every guy. Some of the trainees felt a bit anxious under his scanning eyes, since they all knew how critic he was, how interested in details. And attentive regarding them. If you put a finger incorrectly, Wooyoung will see you and point it out. Without being angry, actually, until you made that mistakes for ten times in a row.

His voice started to count on the beat, yelling as he saw something wrong. Well, actually there wasn't anything wrong. Everyone was doing perfectly his job. That's why he finished with a smile and faded the music, saying right after that it was perfect. Then, they did it another time, but together with Wooyoung. Soon after, they all agreed on leaving the room to have dinner. They had been working for like ten hours straight that day, not even a lunch break. Their stomachs started to claim for food, and so did their body for rest. They filled just one huge table in the cafeteria, eating actually every form and shape and color of food they could.

The finals were in two days, but they were so stuck in that tensed yet working mood that thinking about finishing all of that felt... Unusual. Unbelievable. You know, when you manage to reach some balance in that on-going situation that you don't want anymore for it to come to an end. You can't even imagine that the end will arrive.

But eventually, it does.

The night before the live broadcast, of course there wasn't a single trainee fallen asleep in his bed. They were trying hard, though, but the overthinking was doing its best. All of them were turning and bubbling in their beds, someones with earphones to repeat the songs, some others with relaxing music to recall the sleep.

Well, all of them except two.

Said two guys were, of course, in the practice room. Actually, the second smaller one, which they weren't using anymore since they did rehearsals all together in the bigger one. This way, they could be sure that no one entered to bother.

This was their place. They couldn't stay away from that, the very last night spending in that building, after almost five long months. It can be said that this was the place where everything began: the training period started with a dance lesson, and that's when San, with his no longer pink head, stood on all the others. But soon after, Wooyoung found himself crying at his voice, and he started to get emotional every single time that San performed something. He was really something else. He wasn't only good and talented: you could see the feeling in his work, which made it different from all the others.

Then, of course, Wooyoung couldn't forget the very first time they danced together. And, from that moment on, all the times he lied to himself, keeping on with his bad behaviour, believing that he hated Choi San.

The same Choi San who was kissing hungrily, whose body molded perfectly under his hands. None of the two was expecting this when taking the decision to meet late that night. They just hugged, talking as usual, exchanging ideas on different topics, avoiding the training itself, since it was already very stressful. Then, somehow, San ended up sitting on Wooyoung's lap, while the latter was basically eating his whole body. His hands weren't shy in rubbing his thighs, one going up and under the shirt of the whining guy over him.

They couldn't help themselves. As the very first light turned on, so they did. San kept rolling his hips against Wooyoung's lap, and the younger felt dizzy at the contact. They could feel each other's pleasure between their bodies and hear it directly in their ears, since Wooyoung was leaving a trail of slow kisses on that smooth neck, and San was never good at staying silent.

They went on like this, losing the awareness of time. Wooyoung only got that both didn't seem brave enough to push it further, that night, since they kept teasing without even removing any piece of clothing. That's when he noticed that San was moving in a more desperate way, as he claimed for more, being impatient. Wooyoung then put his hands directly on his pants, well, actually inside them, starting to move his wrist at a fast pace, staring at San's beautiful face as his highest approached.

Suddenly the other stopped his movements, and they stared in silence for some seconds. Wooyoung's lips drew a little teasing grin.

"D-don't look at me like this." San said, still shaking for the previous moments.

"Why?" Wooyoung whispered on his lips.

"Because I'm trying to hold it back... I can't do it if you do these eyes." he was doing his best to think straight about what to do but why am I even wondering?

Wooyoung licked his bottom lip in response.

San pulled his shirt and soon after removed both his and Wooyoung's, and started to tug his sweatpants. The younger wasn't expected such a direct attack when San pushed his face all the way down. He found himself to groan louder, resting the back of his head against the mirror and going together with the movements thanks to a hand lost in San's dark locks.

It didn't take long for him to tuggle his hair and resume their previous position, making the guy to sit on him and directing his hips' against his own ones. Clearly they didn't want to go any further for that night, but at this point they couldn't keep their hands away anymore.

Both kept moving as staring into each other's eyes. San lost his self controll when Wooyoung used also his hand to touch them both, so they finished soon after in a whining mess. San's mouth never shut a second, whereas Wooyoung bit so hard his neck in order not to leave any loud sounds.

Then, Wooyoung took his time to stare at San before cleaning their bodies. And then when he was done, he repositioned San on his lap to look at him and hugged his shoulders, even if it was quite late he didn't want to separate from the guy. Going to bed meant they had to sleep and immediately face the final day, and he wasn't ready.

San was playing with his hair, leaving some butterfly kisses here and there on his neck.

"Wooyoung... We should go." San received only a groan in response.


"No, don't even dare say that."



San took Wooyoung's face in his hands and basically slapped it with his laser look. The guy responded with a little pout, which melted San's heart but he tried to hide his weakness.

"You will debut, Wooyoung. We will.




i'm quite... sorry for this chapter?? i don't know why i put some little smut here again lol 

it was more like that i didn't know what to write and i didn't want the story to finish yet :')  and i felt like this that day so idk 


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