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ofc wooyoung doesn't draw but imagine this like it's his sketchbook where he notes down all his ideas for choreographies, some thoughts and everything



The following day, Wooyoung went very early in the cafeteria as usual, to have breakfast. He sat with his earphones on, slowly eating his food. The room was empty. No one was that crazy to get up so early the morning following a broadcast. They had no idea about what performances to prepare for next week. They just eliminated two more people and send them to bed, unaware.

Wooyoung hasn't slept a single minute that night. It was impossible to shut his thoughts about San, the performance, the image of he and Seonghwa together. His body was filled by contrasting feelings which didn't let him sleep. So, he spent the whole night staring at the ceiling, hearing his roommate's peaceful snores.

After some time, his usual mates reached him. They all sat in front of him, leaving the whole side empty. Hongjoong had dark circles under his eyes, while San and Seonghwa only looked tired but not half dead.

"Morning." They said with a slurred voice. Wooyoung waved in response, his eyes still on his phone. San left a sigh he couldn't hear.

"Congratulations to everyone, by the way. We're all still here, after all." Seonghwa said starting to drink his Americano, coughing a bit for its high temperature.

"I'm not staying here for long if I keep sleeping this bad..." Hongjoong added with an eye closed, a long yawn covered by his hand. No one was looking at Wooyoung, unusually silent. He wanted to look at them but didn't manage to. The sight of San, next to Seonghwa and then next to Hongjoong, would have made him cry, for sure.

The more he tried to bury the image of San and Seonghwa together, the more vibrant it came back and remembered him that he lost the only person he felt very close to: Yeonjun. Everyone, inside there, seemed to have their anchor, their closest friend, even a new boyfriend, which means they had met someone to get along with. Instead, as usual, Wooyoung was stuck in his shyness and couldn't feel at ease with anyone. Against his will, one after another stone helped his soul to build up a huge wall no one was able to go across to.

With this in his mind, he sent a message to Yeonjun, who was still sleeping, knowing him. It was barely 8 of the morning. Then he sighed. The sound was heard by everyone.

"Wooyoung! Are you okay? You didn't speak a word today." Seonghwa tried to involve the other in a conversation. Still, he wasn't forcing him, knowing how this pissed the other off.

"Mh?" Wooyoung removed one of his earphones. "Fine, I was just texting Yeonjun but of course he's sleeping. That lazy ass." He said between his lips with a little smile and then a pout.

San laughed a little at his expression, cute. Next to him, a worried look appeared on Seonghwa's face. A total opposite mood compared to San's. He finally figured out what Wooyoung was going through: he missed Yeonjun.

Of course, he had no idea that he had seen the two of he and San together. Clearly he missed his best friend, but why all of sudden? What happened that made him feel so bad?

Anyway, since some wheels had started moving in his mind, he wasn't surprised when he saw Wooyung standing up and going away.

"What's wrong with him?" Hongjoong asked and San sighed.

"Probably, my fault." He said. "Maybe I've broken him last week." Gladly, he was laughing at the joke, and so did the others. He was almost sure that it was his fault, but since he had no idea how to fix it, the best option was not to think about it and acting as anything has happened.

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