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San didn't know how to feel about what just happened. He wanted to shift to the next thought, but that little smile he wasn't planning left his lips.
Thoughts about the competition together with Wooyoung started to grow. Not that it was the first time, to be fair, despite all his attempts to hide them. San had imagined himself doing another dance battle with Wooyoung, because the first one had been amazing. Then, he had been daydreaming about them being involved in a creative process, such as choreographing or something like that. He wanted so bad to revive that feeling of their bodies moving together on the music. Never in his life he had felt like this for someone.

When also the singing tests ended, the trainees were divided in groups of five to do the performance attitude exam.
They were supposed to dance to a kpop song and do the whole choreo and lipsync as they were on the stage. Of course, the more charismatic you were, the best it was.

Wooyoung wasn't very good at lipsyncing and doing facials but he always tried his best. It wasn't easy, by the way, to dance at your highest energy, doing facials and everything all together. You could even imagine how tough it was when it also came to sing.

He was supposed to dance to Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS together with Hongjoong, Yeonjun, Seonghwa and Yeosang. He was so in love with BTS he feared of dishonor them by doing something awful.

This part flew faster than the first two. In around ten minutes they were already halfway and it was their time to perform.

Hongjoong was the centre, Seonghwa and Yeonjun by his sides, and lastly, he and Yeosang at the angles of the formation.

Wooyoung and all the other guys inhaled deeply. The music started and so did they.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong stared at the judges for the whole time doing their facials. This caused Seonghwa to miss some beats, but he went on like a true professional. On the contrary, when Wooyoung caught him slipping a bit, stopped for a second the lipsync and focus to the ground. He did his best to recover in a short time but for sure this had been a penalty.

Think like there is Jimin in front of you.
Think like there is Jimin in front of you.

Somehow, he got to the end of the performance. They all did. It was a two minutes dance but felt like years due to his crowd of thoughts. They finished with a bow and returned to their places.

A rushing exchange of glances followed that moment. They weren't allowed to speak to each other so they had to communicate through their eyes. Seonghwa and Hongjoong looked satisfied, afterall; whereas the blank emotion in Wooyoung's face was terrifying Yeonjun. That's why he patted the other on the shoulder, muttering a You did a good job, don't worry.

But Wooyoung was starting to feel very worried. He wasn't blaming himself, anyway. But, as all the testing were going to an end, the reality was growing in his sight. That journey could be at its closest to finish in about a couple of hours. This acknowledge was repeating itself in his mind louder than his heartbeat.

It was now the time of San's group. They were supposed to dance Hit by SEVENTEEN. Such a powerful song, it needs a lot of energy and control, San thought to himself when they first told him. He worked hard to do his best, he wanted to surprise everyone with one of the best performances he had done during that training.

You can't say he was worried, definitely. He had regained his previous inner balance and he was now as ready as he'll ever be.

Breath. Lines. Energy.
You can do it, San.

He walked in front of the judges' tables with the other guys. He was supposed to be the centre of the formation. It wasn't his choice: the teachers set their positions based on how good they were. The best you did, the most central part you got. This way, the more talented one received even more attention that before, whereas the others had to struggle to get a single glance. That was a total nonsense. But that's how the program itself would work, so they had to deal with it since the training phase.

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