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"It's called Lights out. I don't know but I think it'll be nice to dance to it."

San caught Wooyoung's phone from his hands, causing the latter to shiver a bit from the contact of their hands. He started to search for the song and stayed silent when it started. Wooyoung rest his eyes on a random spot while listening.

When the first thirty seconds had passed, he was covered of goosebumps. Definitely he wanted to dance to that song, no matter what. The possibility of doing it with San... Made him shake a bit.

San was silent, waiting for a response from the other. It's not that he loved that song that much, but it immediately came in his mind listening to what Wooyoung was playing as an example. San wasn't a choreographer, he never did a choreo, actually, but thought that that song could really fit Wooyoung's ideas. Plus, he already had some concepts in mind to develop together.

"I think it's perfect." Wooyoung said. They shared an eye contact which made them both stay still and silent while staring. The song kept playing in the background.

When both realized they were staring at each other, they shifted their attention with a light red shade on their faces. San stopped the song and got himself to the speakers.

"Ok, so, I guess we can listen to the song for several times and then... Talk about our ideas?" San wasn't sure how to start this kind of work. For the first time there, he was unsure of what to do. He led to Wooyoung the whole control of their actions.

So, Wooyoung simply nodded his head and sat himself to the floor. He waved to the other to invite him next to his spot. San, who was lost in his mind, took some seconds before walking next to Wooyoung. He made sure there was enough gap between them. He still felt embarrassed despite all the words he had been told. He was very happy of it, by the way. It's obvious how much he cared of Wooyoung. He liked having him around, chatting with him. Most of all, he liked working with him. They made such a well combined duo.

Wooyoung grabbed his phone and played the song. Then, he leaned on his arms by putting them behind his back. It felt relaxed. He moved just to take his sketchbook and occasionally write something in it. San, next to him, kept his eyes closed for the whole time.

They spent almost half an hour like this. The song replayed itself for ten or more times. Wooyoung was lightly moving on the beats, not following a particular pattern, while San felt a bit lost. He didn't mind, though. They were just about to brainstorming.

When the nth time of playing ended, San grabbed the phone and stopped the music. He could clearly see that the once white page of the notebook was now full of sketches, some numbers and keywords which he didn't understand.

"So, you got an idea?" he said with a little pout on his lips.

"Maybe, I do. But I wanna hear yours, too." Wooyoung sat more properly and got closer to San holding the sketchbook and the pen in his hands.

"I-I told you I've never done a choreography." San blushed.

"I know, that's why I want to pull out your thoughts. We're still not thinking about the steps, only the mood we want to give." San was creaming at the brunette's gentle and thoughtful attitude. Honestly, he was thinking more to let him to the whole work and just execute his steps, but obviously Wooyoung wasn't of the same club. He wanted San to push over his limits and discover new skills he had. Because he was sure that he was totally capable of doing that task.

"Mh... I don't know if we should focus on the text or the beats... Or the melody of the voice..." he shifted his gaze because it felt so stupid saying those things. Literally, he didn't know where to start. He bit his lips.

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