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yes because a bare face pink haired san is exactly what i'm imaging for this chapter bye



Wooyoung's eyes widened like he had seen a ghost.

He? And Choi San?
A stage?

No way. He wasn't definitely ready enough to face such an event. He wasn't good enough. This was of course some trick to show the audience how bad he was, so the public could vote against him. Yes, it must have been a secret plan of the judges to-

"Wooyoung, are you still here? Did I shoot you or something?"

Like San caught his train of thoughts, which were travelling faster than a plane and about to crash against the Great Wall of China or buffering like a Windows 98 computer trying to install the Windows 10 software, he interrupted it with his voice. He wasn't sure if laughing or be scared at Wooyoung's reaction.

Wooyoung, now, recollected his thoughts and shook his head.

"Sorry I... I wasn't... I mean, I wasn't expecting this. What's the point of coupling me, ranked lower than first 10, with you who are the best?" he bit his bottom lip staring at some point behind San. He couldn't handle his gaze right now.

"I don't know, but that's what we'll do. I hope it doesn't piss you too much." Now it was San's reaction the strange one. He gave Wooyoung a little yet obvious fake grin as he was leaving to his room.

Did he feel hurt?
Probably, a bit.

He had expected Wooyoung to be as happy and excited as he did when heard the announcement. Instead, the other guy acted like he didn't want to do that thing. Not being sure of what that behaviour meant, again, he could nothing but feel disappointed.

Wooyoung remained in his place for longer, still wandering in his fabulous world made up of unicorns and fairies. Because literally, the last ten minutes of his life had been so confused that he felt stupid, now, that his mind was rising from his previous hiatus.

He walked to his room still in that kind of trance, and it wasn't until he laid in bed that he started to realise everything.

They won the match.

He was going to prepare a performance alone with San.

He and San.


He heartily shook his head and messed up his hair. This was too much to handle.

In the previous week, he got to know San better and better. They spent almost every minute of every day together, since they were in the same group. During the lessons, it looks like San had a particular interest in him. He felt like some kind of smiles or compliments were given just to him, but come on, it must be just my imagination. San was so nice to everyone that he made Wooyoung regret his past behaviour. The truth of facts was that the dark-haired boy was just too scared of the image of the talented idol Choi San, to face the actual personality of the short, always smiling person of San. He's so cute when he smiles.

This last thought made Wooyoung push his face even deeper in the pillow. He was scared of how comfortable he felt in his presence. This, despite the other being way too close sometimes, which made Wooyoung to blush, shift his gaze or suppress an embarrassed laugh.

He suppressed the loud sigh his lips were about to leave. Jisung was taking a shower so he could stay alone with his thoughts.

The fact was that with San he felt exposed, because the other insisted in his attempts to enter the deepest spots of his mind. So, having to face a whole week just with him, was feeling a bit scary. On the other side, he was very excited. Because he could finally try to resume that chemistry that the two had built the first time they danced together. Even if they just had to cover a song, they could work together on something. This time, he'd not let San to be the leader. He wanted them to work together and see what the outcome looked like. And, more than this, he wanted to discover what the outcome felt like.

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