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ANNOUNCEMENT: this will be the last chapter

because i'm dead for kingdom



"So, you think that it's better to turn around each other, instead of moving like they do?"

The two guys had been practicing for about an hour, now. Both their bodies lightly shiny for the sweat. Wooyoung had tied his longer hair in a little ponytail, as usual, to bring the bangs away from his face. San stayed still in front of him, some sighs escaping his lips as they had just finished a session.

The dark-haired guy was holding his sketchbook in his hands and was showing San his "drawings". Well, they were more like confused lines with some random words next to them. It was extremely sketchy yet very clear to Wooyoung's eyes.

"Yes, they shift just sliding, but since we're only two of us and we don't move a lot, I think it'll create more dynamic and give us the opportunity to do wider movements." Wooyoung was miming the hypothetical outcome with his hands. San's eyes were narrowed since he was very concentrated. He then responded nodding.

"Okay, it looks great. But I still have some problems with that falling-push-coming up part. Can we repeat the steps for today and we'll focus tomorrow on the positions?" Wooyoung nodded in response and put the sketchbook away.

They came back to the centre of the room and Wooyoung slowly repeated all the steps for San, this time focusing on the details and the timing. The pink one didn't question a lot but used his eyes to memorize every inch of Wooyoung's body, in order to do the movements in the same way. He was so concentrated that his expression was quite scaring.

___ • ___

Wooyoung laid in his bed with a wide smile painted on his lips. Tomorrow was the last day of practices before the broadcast. The week had gone beautifully. He and San worked as a perfect combo: at the beginning, Wooyoung took the leadership and taught the other the whole choreography, then helped him with the details and cleaning up the final result. Then, they both did a brainstorming to decide what to add to make it more emotional and engaging, since they had to adapt a seven-people choreo into only two.

Their ideas were pretty similar. When San suggested something, Wooyoung completed his thought and vice versa. It was like they shared the same mind when it came to performances. Whereas, in matter of life, they were pretty different.

During the pauses, they talked a lot. Wooyoung discovered that San had a background of martial arts, and that's why he was so good at controlling his body even without a long training in dancing. San then said that he left home some years before, but never mentioned the reason. Wooyoung thought it was about his parents but never dared asking about it. He had never experienced the non-approval feeling from his parents: they had always supported him no matter what. Plus, he had never wondered about doing something else in his life. Dancing had been stuck in his heart and flowing in his veins since ever.

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