Chapter 1

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After the curse broke you and Emma are walking down Mainstreet. Purple smoke is still encircling the town. You spot your mom and dad, known now as Mary Margaret Blanchard and David Nolan. You begin to walk towards them. They are standing in the middle of the street watching the dark purple smoke pass over Mainstreet, and Mary Margaret breaks the silence,

"What's happening?"

"Let's find out" answers David.

Ruby notices Mary Margaret, "Snow?" and before she can say anything, the dwarves have surrounded the pair.

"Your Highness." Leroy is the first to speak up, then him and the other dwarves share a group hug with Mary Margaret, before Leroy continues

"The curse... It's broken?"

"Well, it appears so." David responds.

"So, what do we do now?" Ruby questions.

Mary Margaret, with a shine in her brown eyes and a smile gracing her cheeks gleams,
"Now? Now I find my daughters."

You and Emma approach them from behind, the latter still looking completely and utterly astonished and even more so, overwhelmed. You can understand that this is a lot to take in and it might take her a while, so you reach down and take her hand in yours, just to remind her that she is not alone, she gives your hand a reassuring squeeze and then releases,

"So, it's true."

"Told you I wasn't crazy..." you whisper "Everyone always told me I was making it all up."
You think back to all the times you were told that you were crazy... all of the times Emma refused to believe you... and tears starting to form in your eyes. Tears of regret that you failed at making Emma believe, but mostly, tears of joy. Mary Margaret approaches Emma and hugs her, but she does not return the gesture. While this exchange is happening, David moves to you and cups your face and whispers,
"You did it (y/n), you got her here. I'm so proud of you."

You break down and start fully crying, and you can barely speak,
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, I failed at helping her believe. It took so long because of me. We were separated and then I guess I was overbearing about it, so when Henry showed up saying the same thing, she was even more resistant." David brings you into a tight hug.

"(y/n) don't you dare be sorry, it doesn't matter what all happened since we last saw you, what matters is that you're here now, and the curse is broken, we can be together, as a family. Like we should be." He then chuckles softly, pulling away, he wipes your tears away before pulling you into yet another hug.

Mary Margaret, who is standing beside you and David, is almost in tears herself.
"You found us. You both found us." You and David join her and Emma's hug.

"Grandpa?" Henry hesitantly asks yet says at the same time... almost as if he's asking if he can call David by the new name.

David lightly laughs and replies, "Yeah, kid. I suppose so."

"She did it. She saved you."

"She saved all of us" Mary Margaret beams.

"I... well..." Emma stutters and Leroy saves her from having to respond,
"Uh, then why are we still here?"

"That, my friend is an excellent question." David answers. While that and the purple haze that just engulfed the town were definitely questions that came to mind, you weren't worried about any of it. You were now lost in thought, ignoring the chattering around you, all you can think about is your cuff. You needed your cuff... the voices hadn't started yet, but you knew they would if you didn't get it soon, and you knew just who to go.
You are snapped back to reality by Leroy, "Let's go to the person responsible for bringing it — the Queen"

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