Chapter 15

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Emma turns the phone on speaker. David's call was loud, rushed and muffled, you barely could decipher what he said but you did your best.


David: Emma. You and (y/n) need to get to the town line NOW!

Emma: Ok. Will do, what's happening.

*Sirens in the background*

Emma: David... was that the police car?

David: Yes, there's been an accident, just get there, there's no time to explain, we're on our way now.

Call Ends

~What the heck happened? Who called David? Who was in an accident? What kind of accident?~

There were so many questions running through your mind as you rode in Emma's yellow bug to the edge of the town limit. David and Mary Margaret had pulled up in the police car around a few minutes before yall did, but hadn't gotten out of the car yet.

~Apparently nobody had done anything until we got there... how thoughtful. Smh~

When you pull up, you see Gold and Belle at the town line, a crashed car on the side of the road, and Hook laying in the middle of the road. You assume that he did something because there is a lot of screaming, and Gold is crying. You jump out of the car and run up to Gold and Belle.

"Are you ok?" David asks, also walking up to the pair— meanwhile Emma is calling the ambulance,

"I'm at the town line. Two people down. Maybe three. There's a car, pretty banged up with... Pennsylvania plates."

David is now talking to Gold, "What's going on?"

~Dang, all this talking at once feels like the voices in my head, but it's real life!~

"She crossed over the town line. She doesn't remember" Gold explains. You head over to Hook to see what condition he's in. As you kneel down by him, he notices you and flirts

~Of Course,~

"Hey, Beautiful." You roll your eyes...

~Great, now that Hook is back, so is the eye rolling.~

"Here I didn't think you'd..." you touch his torso, trying to get a better look at his injury, and he stops mid-sentence to grimace, "notice!" he finishes before screaming out in pain

"Your ribs are broken" you tell him

"That must be why it hurts when I laugh. Did you see his face? His one true love gone in an instant!" he is winding Gold up.

~Uh Oh. This is not gonna be pretty...~

Gold turns around at his words "Just like Milah, crocodile" Hook adds, but Gold is just furiously marching towards the two of you as Hook finally finishes his line, "when you took her from me." He attempts to get up, but ultimately fails due to the broken ribs.

"But you took her first" Gold retorts as he kicks him in the chest with his foot- causing him to fall back to the ground.

"Are you insane?!" you scream

"Yes, I am!" Gold replies...

~That was a rhetorical question... but hey at least he's honest...~

He is now using his cane to strangle Hook's windpipe, David tries to pry Gold off,

"You can't do this" David tries to reason

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