Chapter 22

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A couple days later, you have now been told what happened. You were right. She couldn't live with herself... because she has barely moved since it happened.

"Anything?" Emma asks David

"She won't eat a bite."

"What's wrong with her?" Henry asks worriedly

"Nothing. She's just a little sick." Emma lies

"You guys are lying to me, aren't you?"

~Uhhhh Imma just sit this one out and drink my hot cocoa with cinnamon and eat my apple toaster strudel.~

"No one's lying" Emma lies yet again

"You are, just like you did about my dad."

~Oop... I can't decide whether to silently support Henry or Emma,~

"Henry, I- He's right. No more lying."

Your head shoots up and you lock eyes with David. He apparently was just as shocked as you were by her response.

"Emma..." he starts hesitantly, to make sure she knows what she's doing

"He deserves to know. Here's the thing, Henry. Cora's death... Mary Margaret was partially responsible for it, and that's why she's so upset."

"No. No, no, she couldn't." Henry looks betrayed and starts to back away from the group. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" you quickly call out... saving yourself before you get dragged into the squabble, that is continuing behind you. You open the door to see Mr. Gold.

"Get out." You calmly demand

"I think you're gonna wanna hear what I have to say — for her sake." Gold responds motioning to Mary Margaret

"What are you talking about?"

"Regina. She's planning to strike back — against your mother."

The commotion has caused the others to make their way to the door as well. Henry, obviously concerned about Mary Margaret asks,

"What is she gonna do to her?"

"Oh, she didn't say." Gold replies

David gets angry with the answer,

"No. You don't get to come in here and just drop a bomb like that. You're gonna figure this out. And you're gonna help us."

"And why should I?"

"Because aside from us being family now, Mary Margaret saved your life. Now you owe her a debt. And you always pay your debts, don't you? You're gonna help us stop Regina"

"Well, if I must." He heaves and rolls his eyes,

~Yes... you must.~

"Our best chance will be to go to her vault, see if there are any clues there as to what she's planning."

You go with David and Gold to Regina's family mausoleum, which is also where her vault is. When the three of you enter, there is a huge mess... "It looks like a tornado came through here..."

"Well, it appears we just missed our dear Queen" Gold says, ignoring you

"What is it?" David asks

"These are Cora's belongings. Looks like Regina's planning to use one of her spells on Mary Margaret."

Gold goes over to a container of ingredients, probably for different spells and such. You look to the ground, some of Cora's dresses are sprawled out around the floor, each was beautiful and ornate. She had to have a dress in every color possible.

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