Chapter 23

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A few days later, you're back in the Nolan apartment... that's always where you are nowadays. David is preparing breakfast in bed for Mary Margaret for the sixth or seventh day in a row now. Emma steals the words right out of your brain,

"Breakfast in bed? Seriously?"

"What happened has been really hard on Mary Margaret. The least we can do is make sure she's eating." David defends

You once again stay out of the conversation and leave all the talking to Emma,

"I think it's time to give the hot cocoa and the foot massages a rest. It's time to haul her ass out of bed and get her to move past this."

"That's a little harsh, don't you think? She took Cora's life."

Henry makes his way into the room from downstairs,

"Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine." Emma tells him

"Get your coat you're gonna be late." You add

"Bye Gramps" Henry calls to David

"Yea, bye dad!" You echo Henry, as the both of you leave the apartment and head to Granny's. When the two of you get outside, you wait for Emma who doesn't keep you waiting for too long before she shows up. Then your little trio talk about Star Wars the entire way to the diner. You and Henry more so than Emma, but she never minded, she loves the relationship you two have. At Granny's Neal is waiting outside, he spots Henry first,

"Hey, buddy. How are you?"

"I'm good. I brought this," Henry presents his storybook, "I thought you could tell me what it was really like over there."

"Sounds great. I tell you what, why don't you run into the diner and get us four hot cocoas and we'll dive in."

Henry nods excitedly and runs inside.

"We're gonna have to take a rain check on that. I need to get down to the station to take care of some things and (y/n) is going house searching." Emma explains

"Yup, yup!" you grin

"Can it wait? There's a couple of things I wanna talk to you about. Tamara went to my place to get some of her stuff..." Neal begins

"Ok..." Emma draws out, wondering what this has to do with her

"Well, her bags were in the storage room, but Hook wasn't."

You unintentionally perk up at the mention of the pirate's name... you silently scold yourself: He's a bloody pirate, you can't trust him. Emma continues her conversation with Neal,

"Lucky" Emma remarks

"Yeah, but now he's out there."

"I'm not sure how much more trouble he can cause anyway."

"The second thing I wanna talk to you about is,"


"the reason Tamara was getting her stuff is that she's on her way here."

~and theeeeeerrrrrreeee it is... humph. No good will come from this... MARK MY WORDS!~

But instead of blurting what comes into your mind, you choose a slightly more respectful response,

"Here? As in Storybrooke?!"

"Yea, she should be here at Granny's any minute now..."

basically, your mouth runs faster than your brain, so you try not to talk before you think it through, but now you are no longer trying to keep your thoughts from coming out of your mouth...

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