Chapter 21

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You help Neal load Gold onto the Jolly Roger, and now, Neal is teaching Henry to steer and Emma, Gold and are below deck. You join there where Gold is gripping a paper towel to his chest, sitting at a very uncomfortable position, and groaning in pain. All in all, he doesn't look too hot...

~not that he looked "hot" in the first place... ew. ~

Thankfully, Emma snaps you out of your thoughts,

"You don't look comfortable"

"The poison racing towards my heart will have that effect." He responds

"Well... so glad to see your horrible, smartass attitude is still intact." You spit... Emma shoots you a look that screams "Shut. Up."

~So, he can me a smartass to me, but I can't do it back? That's no fair~

"Tell me about this, uh... knife of yours." She begins "Cora and Regina, if they do have it, they can make you do anything?"

"Indeed." Gold responds

"Like... Kill us all?"

"Yeah. You're hoping I bleed to death now, aren't you?"

~Yeah... oops sorry, I meant- kind of... no, no that's not right either, I mean... n-, n-, n...o.~

"You're Henry's grandfather. We're family now. I'm gonna save you." Emma states

"Oh, I feel so reassured." He rolls his eyes.

~Ya know then fine... just go die then. Man, he's so ungrateful~

Within the hour, the five of you are sailing into the harbor of Storybrooke. Upon reaching the docks, you help Neal load Mr. Gold onto the back of your father's pickup truck. Mary Margaret comes running towards yall.

"Are you ok?" she worriedly asks

"Yeah. Yeah. We're all right." Emma answers

Henry looks excitedly towards David, about to burst as he delivers his news, "Uh, I drove a ship."

"Did you now?" David forces a chuckle

"Yeah, my dad showed me how."

"That's me." Neal explains as you finish propping Gold up in the bed of the truck,

"Thank you. Thank you." He struggles

"Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David questions Gold

"Well, you'd know if she was, because most of you would be dead by now."


"Well, then, we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen. And this time, we finish it." Mary Margaret commands

"Mary Margaret..." David warns

"David. She needs to be stopped. She needs to be killed. This is our family. We are going to protect it."

"Of course, we will. But what you're talking about goes beyond that."

"Does it? Because she is the reason you've never met my mother. The reason our girls never had a maternal grandmother."

~Wow... a lot has happened since we were in New York. Mom sound insane.~

"I Know. I know what happened to Queen Eva, and I have zero problem with Cora dying for it. But not by your hand. And not out of vengeance." David explains

"Why?" Mary Margaret asks

"Mom... You'd never be able to live with yourself..." you interject, and your father nods and continues

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