Chapter 14

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It's the morning of Archie's funeral, everyone is dressed in black, it's weird not seeing everyone in colors. Mary Margaret is giving her eulogy,

"Some of us knew him as Archie, others as Jiminy, but we all knew him as a true friend. And though he may now be gone he will always live on inside of us, reminding us to be our best selves. To do the right thing, to always fight for what we believe in. So, we shouldn't think of today as goodbye, just as a way of saying, Archie, we'll be listening." As she finishes, people start to break off from the crowd and go back to their homes. Mary Margaret's head is hanging in grief, David goes up and embraces her. Marco approaches the grave and places Archie's umbrella by the tombstone.

"I miss you so much my friend. But at least you're in a better place."

After everything is over, everybody heads back to the Nolan apartment for lunch. There is a low chatter filling the room as everyone is visiting and making small talk. However, Henry is sitting on the bed, depressed.

"I don't know how to help him." Emma tells you

"Hey. I'm not the mother here. I'm just the cool aunt with no husband or kids who spoils him, then gives him back before the sugar kicks in... This is all you sis." You respond as you nudge her towards him.

"I have no doubt. You'll have kids eventually" She responds chuckling,

"Don't count on it."

She walks over with a plate, with a pop tart on it.

"Hey, kid. You hungry? I managed to wrangle up a Pop Tart."

"No thanks." He sadly answers

Emma places the plate on the bed next to him and walks away.

"Well, that went well..." she says, approaching you and  Mary Margaret, who had walked up behind you just a second ago

"Emma, you're doing all you can do." Mary Margaret comforts

"That's what making me feel awful."

You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Then Leroy comes up to the three of you,

"Ladies. The dwarves and I have been thinking. We have to ask. When do we go back?"

"Back where?" Emma asks

"The Enchanted Forest. Our home."

~Excuse me? We ain't going back to that ogre infested piece of land.~

"You want to go back?" Mary Margaret questions

"We basically fought Satan to get out of there" you add

"But with what Regina did to Archie, Storybrooke ain't as safe as we thought." He responds

~Still safer than the Enchanted Forrest though, right... oh wait YOU WOULDN'T KNOW! BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T ALMOST KILLED EIGHTEEN TIMES TRYING TO GET HOME.~

"We're going to find her. There's only so many places she can hide." Emma reassures

"We've dealt with her before, we'll do it again." Mary Margaret states

"But it's not just her" he explains, "The curse is broken. There's a whole world full of people beyond the town line that don't know who or what we are. Ever think of what might happen If one of them were to come pay us a visit."

Ruby pipes in, "He's right. What if they see, you know, magic? Like a girl turning into a wolf for example. Folks weren't exactly understanding back in our world."

~Then don't do it in broad daylight in front of them. Problem solved~

"Ok, let's not worry about what-ifs. No one is here" Emma argues

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