Chapter 13

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(Archie's Office)

The four of you go back to Archie's office to search for clues. David is looking through the file cabinet, he pulls out Regina's file, and it's empty.

"Ah. Regina's file... it's empty." David assesses

"So, she did it. She killed the kindest soul in this town, a man who only cared about helping." Mary Margaret gasps

"I promise we'll find whoever really did this." Emma adds

You're so thankful you're not the only person who doesn't want to immediately blame Regina.

"Isn't it time you admit we already have? Regina had a fight with Archie, Ruby saw her outside last night, and now her file is empty. That's... a lot of evidence" David states while calmly stroking Mary Margaret's back.

"Maybe that's the point" Emma realizes

"What do you mean?" David questions

"She means, usually it's hard to find evidence... but this... this has been way too easy..." you explain

"Yeah, unless... someone wants us to find evidence." Emma suggests

"So, you think she was framed?" Mary Margaret asks

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time that happened in this town." Emma retorts

"Who would want to frame her?" David inquires

"That's a long list, present company included." Mary Margaret responds

"Yeah. But there's only one name on that list that would resort to killing to get what they want." Emma thinks

"Gold," you state

(Gold's Shop)

~Why is it that every time something bad happens in this town, we end up here?~

The four of you take a quick walk down the street to Mr. Gold's shop. You enter and he is eating lunch with Belle at the moment...

~man... food sounds good right about now. Never mind.~

Gold notices yall and welcomes you,

"Ah. Nothing warms the heart more than a family reunited. You have your mother's chin Ms. Swan."

~Well it's no thanks to you~

"We know you killed him." Emma blurts

"and your father's tact" Gold replies

"Someone's dead?" Belle asks

"Dr. Hopper." You answer

"Why on earth would you think that I had anything to do with that?" Gold questions

~because when someone ends up dead, you're usually apart of it.~

"Because all of the evidence points to Regina."

"And she's not possibly capable of doing something so vile?" Belle snaps

"It's a frame job." Emma states

"It wouldn't be the first time you used someone to try to hurt her." Mary Margaret explains

"Nice to see your memories still intact, dearie, but this time, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappoint you. It wasn't me." Gold smiles

"Why should we believe you?" David asks

"Because I can prove it. Ask the witness."

"No one was there. Emma says

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