Chapter 18

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The plane lands in New York, the group takes a taxi to an apartment building somewhere in the SoHo district.

~I wonder how many germs are on the seat of a taxi? Like seriously... I just have to remember to get some hand sanitizer when I get out. Thank Heavens we're not germaphobes or anything... hehe ~

You soon are distracted by the city outside of the car, there are so many buildings, people, cars, bikes, and colors! There are so many colors in one place, it's insane! The car eventually stops, and everyone piles out of the car. Gold looks like he needs to throw up...

~If ya gonna puke, do it over there because if I see you puke then imma puke and I really don't wanna put that level of embarrassment on myself not even an hour after getting here... just saying.~

"What's wrong? Is this the right place?" Emma asks him

"Yes, it is." He answers

"Let me guess" you comment "Sonplestiltskin isn't expecting you?"

You take his silence as his answer, "Well, who doesn't love a surprise?"

Yall go into the lobby and start looking at the names on the buzzer list, seemingly controlling the gate blocking the secondary entrance. The name correspond to the  people living in the apartments and now, you're just trying to decipher which one is Baelfire's.

"No Baelfire." Henry states

"Yeah, I don't think that would exactly work as an alias" You chuckle

"Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?" Emma questions

"It doesn't work that way" Gold explains

~Well it should, because this is bogus~

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Henry asks

"Well names are what I traffic in, but sadly, no." He responds

Emma points to apartment number 407, it's the only one without a name. "Here's your boy."

"No. or it could just be vacant." Gold argues

"You may traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people that don't want to be found, and those sorts of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts."

~Hey, that is why you brought her isn't it?~

"Ok well let's find out" you blurt as you push the button and speak into the talk box thing.

"UPS package for 407" there is a slight static and then line disconnects

"Maybe you should've said FedEx." Henry suggests

You all hear a crash as someone is going down the metal stairs behind the building.

"He's running" Emma realizes

~Aw man. That aint fair not everyone is good at running. Some people like me are just lazy. Ugh~

Yall go out the front door, and see a man climbing down the fire escape, then running through the streets. Gold turns to Emma,

"That favor you owe me. This is it. Get him to talk to me. I can't run."

~Well no flipping duh, Crip.~

"Watch Henry. I'll be back." Emma calls back to the two of you as she goes after the man.

~And that's why I'm glad my sister IS good at catching people... I can just leave the running to her. Work smarter not harder kids.~

There Once was a Princess... (Hook x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang