Chapter 26

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[Your Room at Granny's]

You wake to the sound of your phone ringing, its Emma,


Emma: (y/n). (y/n). I know it's early. But there's an issue at the bean fields.

You: What's wrong?

Emma: They're burned to the ground.

You: What?

*you shoot up to a sitting position, now alert*

Emma: Regina. She destroyed the bean fields.

You: Why?

Emma: We don't know, look, I'm on my way with Henry, we're meeting David and Mary Margaret at the City Hall to go confront her, be there in 10.

You: Ok, Roger that. See you in a sec

you end the call and spring out of bed towards your closet so you can change. Before you know it, you see Emma's bright yellow bug pull up outside. You run down and hop in, and y'all head to the town hall. Emma pulls up, David and Mary Margaret were waiting outside for yall.

"You ready to confront Regina" he asks you and Emma

"Let's get this over with." You groan

~it's like 8:00 in the morning... I'm more of a noon-midnight person... waking up early... not the move.~

You, Emma and David are sneaking through the halls towards Regina's office, and Mary Margaret is behind you with Henry.

Approaching the office, David is on one side and you and Emma are on the other, David counts down from three and you all burst in the office with guns raised. Just to make sure it's safe.

"It's ok, she's not here." Emma calls back to Mary Margaret and Henry, as she puts her gun back in her holster. You do the same, as does David.

"When you find her, you're not gonna hurt her, right?" Henry asks

"Of course, not Henry" you reassure him, because he sounds scared

"We just want the beans she stole from us." Emma adds

"I don't get it." Mary Margaret begins, "Why would Regina leave her office unlocked?"

You notice a light coming from the side of the room. Looking in the direction of the light, there is a cylinder glass container thing with a plant inside of it, a magic bean plant to be exact.

"Yea, especially when she's keeping the beans here." You comment

The five of you walk over to the plant, Mary Margaret raises a pod, and it was empty,

"Was keeping them here. They're gone."

"Something's not right." Emma concludes, "Regina would never leave evidence like this behind."

"Maybe she already used them to portal out of Storybrooke." David suggests

"Without Henry? I don't think so."

"What if something bad happened to her?" Henry walks over and begins to worry. Emma was at the alarm system control box on the wall and was checking the history or something

"Security system says the last time someone was in the office was around 6:00 this morning." She presses a few more buttons "They used an override code to get in."

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