Chapter 5

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"Oh man! I'm gonna miss you!" Ivan exclaimed.

"I'm going to miss you too, Ivan. Good thing is that it's just a few hours from Russia to Abu Dhabi."

"Please do come with Samia or don't come at all." Ivan muttered.

"I thought we were having a bro moment here." Karim chuckled.

"Hah? Bro moment!"

"You're going to miss your flight you know."

"I know... I know...It's really unbelievable that it's been four years already. At one point I thought we'd die before leaving this hellhole."

"Alhamdulilah, we didn't." Karim paused. "Don't give your grandfather a hard time, Ivan. Man's old and you're the only one he can count on." Karim advised.

"Yeah...yeah...I know."

"Continue making your beats but just make sure you're dressed up for every occasion." Karim added.

"Sure, dad." Ivan chuckled.

"I gotta go. You're leaving tomorrow?"


"Cool. We'll see each other later then. do svidaniya (goodbye)." Ivan took hold of his suitcase. "One more thing." He smirked.


"You definitely have to invite me to yours and Noor's  wedding."

Karim arched a brow.

"Will you plan that out yourself?"

"Ah stop being sly...we both know you two will end up getting married one way or the other. Besides Noor says she likes...I've said too much...Byeee!" Ivan dragged his suitcase quickly out of the small flat they'd been sharing for four years.

Karim just shook his head.

He was the only one left now. After four years in the academy.

Noor had left a week earlier and Ivan was leaving today.

He had decided to stay one more day to prepare himself. He was going back home. He hadn't been home since he stepped foot here. His family had visited anytime they could. Even his aunts and uncles and cousins had come by to visit the previous year.

But tomorrow he was going back home, finally. He was done with his art of ruling course. All he had to do now was apply it.

But he was going back home...back where her memories were etched into the very air.

He had asked his room be fully changed from top to bottom so that nothing reminded him of her. He had tried...he had tried so hard to get her out of his head but he couldn't.
He had tried to try to even like Noor with everything in him...maybe even a simple crush...just an iota of feelings would be good for him but all he felt was a strong sense of friendship with her. The same way he felt with Shams. And the messed up thing was that he knew she had come to like him.

If Ivan running away before revealing it was anything to hold it by.

But he hadn't given up.
He still had faith that love could grow.

It just needed more time.

But how long?

Karim sighed before walking into his own room. He walked by his bedside drawer and opened it to reveal Z's black diary.

Yes...he brought it along....

"Maybe if I threw away this book I could forget you?" Karim chuckled dryly.

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