Chapter 39

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Giving y'all another one ehehehehe 🥴😂


"How was it?" Karim offered her a glass of milk.

"Thank you. And it was horrible! I will probably get a zero. And it's going to be your fault."

"My fault? I thought you said you weren't just in your room watching movies." Karim snickered.

"I did learn but I missed so many classes because someone had to kidnap me and force me to live in his house."

"Who is this person!?" Karim feigned shock. "I need to have a serious talk with him or her. Kidnapping my baby girl is just unforgivable." Karim shook his head.

Zaira narrowed her gaze at him.

"You think? It's not my final exams at least so there's still chance for me not to fail." Zaira shrugged.

"I never asked. What are you studying? Archaeology?"


"You actually did it." Karim smiled.

"I told you I could."

Karim kissed her forehead softly, holding her close.
"I'm proud of you."

Zaira could feel her whole face heat up.

"If you're able to get through your final exams with nothing less than average I'll get you anything you want."


Karim nodded.


"I want you then." Zaira looked straight at him.

"I'm yours already." Karim chuckled. "But I am serious. Ask for anything and I'll get it for you when you pass your exams."

She'd probably not pass them all. That was a fact she clearly knew.

"Well, I'd like an albino tiger. A platinum black urus and white G- wagon. A trip to Bali. A new wardrobe and a Victoria secret lingerie. Emphasis on the lingerie." Zaira smirked before bursting into laughter.

Karim just stared at her.

"Don't look so shocked. I'm just joking. In all honesty I just want you to proud of me. That will make me happier than anything. That's even if I pass them all." Zaira laughed.

Silence settled between them until Zaira broke it.

"You want to talk here or in your study?"

"You can get your bath or eat first."

"We are talking now, Karim. Bathing and eating can wait."

"Last time you didn't eat that long you fainted."

"Because I was already malnourished. If you haven't noticed I've gained weight from all the food this house gives me."

"Worst case scenario I do faint and you swing in to catch me and bam a fairy tale." Zaira giggled.

"Zaira..." Karim was hesitant.

"I promise. If I was on the verge of dying like when I got here I'd tell you. I'm fine. Really. Let's just talk."

Karim nodded and led her to the study.


"Why?" That was Karim's first question.

That had always been his question. He just really wanted to understand how they had gotten here. How everything had gone to hell and back. She had explained herself already but he was angry then. This time he'd listen without any anger.

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