Chapter 37

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You can listen to the song above for this last update...y'all know by now that when I suggest a song then it's about to go down (evil laughter 😈😈😈😈)

Meet me at the beach before the engagement. I'm nervous and I want to speak to you. Maybe I'll calm down.

Karim read the message from Noor.
Karim looked like he was being sent into slavery. He hadn't slept well in the past few days and blamed it on nerves when anyone asked. He had dark circles under his eyes which Habiba promised to cover up for him with one of her makeup pieces before the engagement.

And here he was, having to go meet Noor at the beach. He just wanted to lock himself up in his room.
But his fiancee was waiting. And he had to go to her.


"Are you okay?" Karim asked the second he got close to her.

She was looking out into the sea.

"Am I okay? That's a good question."

"Is something wrong, Noor? If there is I need you to tell me so I can help you."

"It's not something you can help with, Karim."

"What is it then?"

"My heart."

Karim grew alarmed.

"Are you in pain?"

"Nothing is wrong with my heart physically, Karim. It's working well."

"Then what about your heart?"

"It's hurting. It's breaking. It's in pain."

"Noor. I know I'm not fully what you expected from a future husband. But I'm willing to try. Try to be better for you...

"It's hurting because I want you for myself and I also want you to be happy."

"I am for you and I'm happy."

"You aren't happy, Karim. You've not really been happy ever since I met you. You've been smiling each day at a time but you've never truly been happy and I hate that I can't be the one to give you that happiness you crave for."

"We'll try, Noor. If we try harder we'll be each others happiness."

"Is that what you're telling yourself?" Noor chuckled. "I know you and Zaira kissed at the amusement park."

Karim could only look at her.

"You went for the recording?"

"No. I knew it when it was happening. I planned everything out. To get you two stuck together and push out all your feelings. I was hoping it'd be a bit of anger. But you two just talked and I watched as you reveled in her. As your hands unconsciously found solace with her. And I watched as she kissed you. And you kissed her back."


"And all that time do you know what I realized? You were happy. For that short amount of time without any huge smiles you give me, you were genuinely happy and I couldn't even be angry at you for it."

"Noor... I didn't mean to..."

"I know you didn't. It's not your fault you can't stop loving Zaira. It is your fault however that you cannot seem to sign those divorce papers."

Karim's mouth opened a fraction.

"How did you find out?"

"I saw your magic chest of all your memories of Zaira and tucked under all the happiness was the pain of a signed divorce papers but lacking your signature."

With hearts, Destined.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن