Chapter 16

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"I got my money on your dad." Naima grinned.

"Me too." Habiba added.

Both of them handed their money to Maruf.

It was a Saturday morning and Karim didn't have anything to pass the time with. He had to wait for more information about Aracruz before going there to look for Z and Maher.
He was a bit twitchy because it seemed time was moving a bit slower than normal.
So he had done the one thing he had wanted to do to prove his worth.
Fight his father.
Stupid idea.
Yes. It was stupid.

But he had a good feeling he'd win. Or draw at least.

Somehow, Maruf had gotten wind of the fact that Karim and their father were going to spar.
And he had turned it into an underground illegal fighting ring and placed bets on them.

So now their whole family was there, Aziz included and even Ameena and her brother.
Dean was unavailable but had put his bet on Karim because he claimed it was his student fighting Tawfiq.

"You know betting is Haram." Karim arched a brow at Maruf.

He just shrugged.

Karim narrowed his gaze at Habiba.

"Mama, I'd understand. She's obsessed with the old man. But you, I thought we were a team in this family?" Karim frowned.

"That old man is probably going to whop your ass." Habiba shrugged. "It's nothing personal. I just don't want to lose my money." She added.

"Hmm." Karim rolled his eyes.

"I'll bet on you, Karim." Rauf pointed out.

"I told you we're betting on dad." Maruf glared.

"I'm voting on Karim." Rauf stated firmly.

"Your loss." Maruf shrugged.

"Uncle Aziz?"

"Don't even tell me. I don't know who's more obsessed with dad, you or mom."

Aziz scratched his neck.

"Bet on who you want, Aziz." Tawfiq cackled.

"I am. I'm betting on his highness." Aziz said and handed his money to Maruf.

Tawfiq nodded.

"Ameenah?" Maruf asked.

"I'm betting on lover boy." Ameenah gave her money to Maruf.

"My brother as well." She gave another money to Maruf.

"Uncle Salim?" Maruf stretched his hand.

"Can't I bet on both?" Salim questioned.

"Me too?" Daneen frowned.

"Nope. Just one."

"Karim then." Salim sighed.

"I'm sorry, Karim." Daneen pouted. "I'm with dad."

Tawfiq grinned.

"And last but not least, Princess Noor and Samia."

"Oh I'm definitely with lover boy." Noor said curiously.

She was itching to know why Ameenah called him lover boy.

Karim rubbed his forehead and looked away.
That wasn't something he wanted to talk to Noor about yet.

"And Samia?"

"She votes for me. I'm betting for her." Karim butt in.

"That's not possible." Maruf shook his head at Karim.

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