Chapter 49

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"James. He's being backed by someone. Someone with some sort of power." Zaira confirmed.

From her little chat with Jafar, she picked up that he personally didn't want anything. He just wanted Zaira to go down with him and for there to be chaos.

Which meant there was someone who was outside who benefited from everything. Unfortunately, Jafar wasn't willing to speak about such person.

Zaira felt Karim's hand brush the small of her back. He still wasn't all there and was almost always with Samia and Maher but if he was around her he never failed to let her know he was there with her.

"The problem is we don't know whom this is." Karim added. "And if we don't, nothing changes."

"Well, we have to find out." Tawfiq stated.

"We have court in a week." Karim pointed out.

The only reason James and his lawyer Calvin were able to get a hearing so quickly was because the court wanted to settle it quickly. This wasn't a normal case. It involved the crown. The last time the crown was sent to court was decades ago.

And it didn't help that the people were pressing for answers. All the news channels were talking about it. Speculating and creating stories that didn't even sound right.

In this case their power was their downfall. The people trusted and respected the crown. But they related to James who had turned into a poster boy in the country.

The father who wasn't enough for Shamsiya. Karim cringed anytime he saw a news that made it seem like Shamsiya only married him so she could secure her place in the palace.
Instead of joining James, a struggling average man.

Karim hadn't been painted in a bad light yet. They believed he was also lied to. Some believe he didn't know the truth until James came forward. Others believed he did but he saw Samia to be his hence why the court battle.

In either cases, most of the people believed Samia deserved to be with her real father. And worst case scenario Karim could get visiting rights if James agreed because they couldn't change the fact that Karim did raise Samia.

That wasn't what Karim wanted. He wanted his daughter not visiting rights.

And now they had to deal with the fact that Calvin-James' lawyer would pull his trump card about child endangerment out. He'd lose even the stupid visiting rights.

Zaira hadn't said anything about it. She just ignored the fact like it would go away if she wished it hard enough. But Karim didn't mind.

Zaira couldn't be arrested anyways. She may have been a part of the group but her job was all infiltration and getting information. And in the end she helped his father instead to bring the Emirs to justice.
She had served her penance already.

And so far all they knew about James was that he came to the country as a tourist a month ago after living in Singapore for a few years. He had lived a quiet life and all of a sudden he had decided to look for his daughter.

"A lot can happen in a week." Tawfiq said.

"Yes. Like probably not knowing who the judge would be." Karim's voice held a sarcastic tone.

The House of kings and the Judiciary cabinet of the country had decided it would be better if the jury weren't open to the public's opinion and to the crown as well. Just so they wouldn't be intimidated into siding with one side just because they were afraid.

Karim hated the idea. It meant they would be speaking to computers recording them to the jury instead of the human jury directly and that wasn't good. Even their lawyers said so.

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