Chapter 50

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If they thought the first hearing was bad, the second was just as bad or even worse. Because they had to question supposed professionals who believed it was better Samia grew up with her real  father than live a lie that she was a princess.

They were all in the villa now. They had 3 days for a closing argument. And no hope left.

Karim was just looking far away. Since the first trial he had barely said a full sentence. Just yes and no or nods. He would just sit there in deep thought that it would take a physical act to get him to  remember he was with people.

Just like how his father kept calling his name but he didn't even lift a muscle.

Zaira walked to him and placed her hands on his face. That seemed to catch his attention.

"I'm sorry." He apologised. "What did you say?"

"I spoke to the lawyers. They think it's better we argue for some visiting rights. Then at least we have assurance of her safety until we get enough evidence to get her back."

"I think that's a good idea." Dean's voice came through the screen.

"I still think we shouldn't give her to them even if the court says so." Bella pointed out.

"They can't. It's not that simple."

"Tawfiq got us out from jail, Dean. Jail. I think this should be simple."

"Bella." Dean stared at her with a disappointed look and that said a lot.

She grunted and left the view of the camera.

Tawfiq only smiled solemnly.

"Don't mind her. She's just on edge. She's just a second from blowing up. She doesn't think it's wise to give them Samia is all."

"None of us do. With your case, jail was simpler. It had nothing to do with my country. And I wasn't absorbing you of your faults. I was converting them to better options. I can't even do that with this. The people are loving Karim for fighting for a child that isn't his. But they still believe it's better for Samia to be with James. I can't overturn the jury if they think the same."

"I know, T, I know. Bella wasn't trying to make it seem you aren't doing anything. She knows you are. She's angry she can't do anything herself."

"You can't do anything, Dean. It would only cause more problems and the CIA wouldn't be happy about it."

"I know. I know. But still. We are both itchy."

"Let's do it. Visiting rights. I'll be able to sleep each day if I know she's fine at least." Karim muttered in low voice.

He had lost any hope and will he had.
They all knew what the most probable outcome was. It would still crush them.

"Good. I'll tell the lawyers to plan for that. We have a higher chance with that."

Zaira looked at Karim with a small smile. He returned it.

"It will be okay. I promise."

All Karim could do was nod.


The next day came in a blur. Zaira walked alone on the beach when the call came through.


"Zaira." Her tone held something different. Did something happen with the plan?

The plan was simple.
They were going to kidnap Samia.
If they lost her to him then no one would have her then. Or at least Marilyn would until she got to Italy and handed her over to Layla.

With hearts, Destined.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ