Chapter 52

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They had to ditch the car before they got to the border. She wouldn't be able to just cross it. There were people probably looking for her and Samia right now.

She held Samia close to her chest as they walked through the closed off path Layla had directed her on. It was not known to the public and for good reason. The path was steep and stony and she had to carry Samia throughout because she wasn't going to allow her to walk even though she kept on pushing to be allowed to walk on her own.

It was getting darker. They needed to cross the border soon. And get to the base as soon as possible.

"Where are we going?"

"To see a friend of your grandpa." Zaira answered.

"Will my grandpa be there?"

"No. But you'll see him soon. I promise."

"What about my daddy?"

"Him too. We just need to go visit a few people first."

"Okay." She smiled and snuggled into Zaira.

"I'm tired." She mumbled.


"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me. You can sleep." Zaira replied.

She didn't say anything else but a few minutes later Zaira heard her light snoring begin.

Layla had said this route was long but they'd been walking for so long. She only had 3 bottles of water in the bag behind her. They needed to get to Oman before it was too dark to see the dirt road or worse they actually got shot.


"What do you mean they never got to their rental?" Tawfiq growled into the phone in Arabic.

Karim stared at his father.

James couldn't have. Right? He was with the court official. He wouldn't do anything.

"Find them. Now." Tawfiq ordered angrily.

"Dad. What happened? Is Samia okay?" Karim asked the dreaded question.

Tawfiq looked at him.
"I don't know. The people who were supposed to follow them said they never got there."

Karim's eyes widened.

"This is my fault. I let them take care. I watched her scream and did nothing. She begged me. And I did nothing. I just  let her go. If something happens to her I'll never forgive myself."

Tawfiq couldn't even speak.
Samia's screams were etched into his mind. He didn't know how he'd look her in the face again. He had so much power yet he could do nothing.

A call came through his phone again. He put it on loudspeaker.

God he hoped they had found her.


"Your highness." It was Aziz.

"What happened Aziz?"

"Just received a call from the hospital. It was the lady from the court."

"What is she doing there?"

"There was an accident. She was admitted there with James and Calvin."

"Where's Samia, Uncle Aziz?" Karim exclaimed.

An accident? How?
Was Samia alright?

"Is she in the hospital too?" Tawfiq asked.

"I'm sorry but no. It was just those 3."

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