Chapter 34

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"Your highness."

Karim heard a knock. He ignored it.
Then the bell. Ignored.

"Your highness! It's an emergency."

Did he care? Yes. Would he open the door? Probably not.

"You don't need to open the door, your highness. It's the clinic doctor. I just need to know what ointment or drugs you used to treat the young lady's foot?"

Karim stood up from the bed in a millisecond.

"Your highness? You need to tell me, now. Please. She's having a reaction to it and I need to know what you use..." the door opened in a second revealing Karim shirtless.

"What happened to Zaira?!" Karim narrowed his gaze at the doctor who cowered back in fear and looked down.

"Look who's still alive." Karim's face fell when his father appeared in front of him.

"It's fine. Thank you. You can go now." Tawfiq nodded at the man who quickly scurried away.

"What happened to..."

"Nothing happened to Zaira. I hope. She's locked herself up just like you have."

"You made him lie to get me to come out."

"I did. Thought you might be dead." Tawfiq shrugged and invited himself in.

"Nick's been looking for you."

Karim forgot today was the day he was supposed to come. He had been hiding away for 3 days...

"You might have a guess as to why I'm here."

"I want to be alone, dad. Please."

"I do not care what you want. What I want is for you to get out of this room, find Noor and apologise so hard it will bring Sienna to tears."

"You." Tawfiq pointed at him. "You asked to get engaged to Noor. You raised her hopes up of marrying you. She was happy. She wasn't the person she was that day. She is kindhearted. You know that. You pushed her. You pushed her to bring out her claws and what did you do when she showed you a bit of her claws? You cut her arms off. Didn't trim the claws. You cut off her fucking arm."

"You hurt her more than you can imagine, Karim. And I warned you not to do that or I'd tell Latif I was against the marriage. But oh sweet sweet Noor begged me not to. She cried her eyes out to me. Begged me to give you another chance. The same person who walked out on her with his ex-wife in his arms. You've made her believe she was at fault when it was you. You. Karim...not even Zaira but you."

"I didn't mean to raise my voice at her. I didn't mean anything I said to her. I don't know what I was thinking..."

"Definitely about your bleeding ex-wife."

"I didn't mean to hurt Noor."

"But you did and you weren't even man enough to explain yourself."

"I didn't know what to say to her."

"Go find a dictionary then for all I care. But you are going to leave this room now and find Noor. Again, I expect an apology that can put a tear on Sienna's face."

That was humanely impossible but Karim knew what he meant.

But how was he supposed to face Noor again?

"I warned you, Karim. To slow down with this proposal. I told you to calm down but you insisted to secure yourself because of your fear. And now it's coming back to bite you. You are the only one to blame. Remember that."

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