Chapter 57

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"Just distract them with your pretty face." Dean ordered as he typed on his phone quickly trying to tap into the cameras.

"No blood." Tawfiq pointed out

"Only if necessary."

Tawfiq walked from behind the pillar taking off the basketball cap he was wearing to hide his face.

There were 2 guards positioned outside the suite and if they breathed any harder they'd tear through their suits.


"No journalists." The taller one barked.

"Not a journalist. Just Tawfiq."

The eyed him wearily for a second. Clearly not knowing or caring who he was. Why did Dean think he could create a distraction again? Not everyone recognized him. He wasn't a world class singer so if they didn't care about politics they'd definitely not know him.

"You have no business here. This is a private floor."

"I can definitely see that. But you see. The thing is I really need to get inside that room."

"You can't, so leave. Now." One of the guards ordered.

Tawfiq took a step backwards. Baiting them into open space.

"What will you do about it, Dumb and dumber?" Tawfiq smirked.

The bait worked.

They both stepped closer to him, leaving the door they were guarding. Tawfiq took another step back.

Where was Dean? He'd done the distraction. Dean was supposed to shoot a dart into them as soon as they stepped into his view. A dart he claimed he had.

Tawfiq only realized the situation then when nothing happened.

'You're no fun anymore.'
Dean had said when he pointed out he didn't plan on doing any dirty work.

The fucker was lying. He wanted him to knock them out himself. Oh he was so going to kill him.

One of the men moved his hands towards his holster to pull out a gun but Tawfiq was quicker, kicking his kneecap and sending him on a knee.

The second man tried to hit him in the face but Tawfiq reared backwards in time and knocked him off his feet.
These weren't real professional guards it seemed.

The first man who had got on his feet at this point and now had his gun in hand.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" He warned as Tawfiq walked closer to him.

"Shoot him!" The man who was now on the ground screamed. The second he turned his attention to him, Tawfiq run towards him instantly disarming him and turning the gun on him. He didn't have a gun on him and Dean hadn't given him his handgun because he was supposed to be distracting them.

He could feel the adrenaline rushing through him. He hadn't done anything like this probably since Zaira's kidnapping. He only had rare spars with Karim and those were just for fun.

"Should have shot when he told you to. Now take your friend and go. Or I will definitely shoot you."

Tawfiq watched as the man quickly helped his friend up and dragged him away leaving the door they were probably being paid to guard free for the taking.

Tawfiq felt a presence by him.

"I knew you still had it in you." Dean grinned.

"Next time a little heads up or I'll kill you myself."

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