Candyman (Original movie) (Catch-Up)

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A/N- The next two characters were requested by@Amycardinal123 . I do hope that you enjoy your next two requests and thank you for requesting.

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for your help as always :)

How He Finds/Meets You-One dark rainy night, your birth parents were doing research, while you were upstairs asleep. "Hey. Look at this one. The myth of the Candyman." Your birth father said.  "Maybe we should summon him and have him take our child away." Your birth mother said, evilly. Meanwhile in the "other world", Candyman heard what your birth parents plan was and decided to take you, but not as a sacrifice. He entered your nursery and was in shock with how he found you.  "You poor innocent child. I'll make sure that those people suffer for how they treated you." He said as he wrapped you in his jacket to keep warm and went back to the "other world."   He made a bassinet appear and placed you in it and placed a spell over the bassinet to keep you safe, until he returned. 

A little later, Candyman could hear his name being chanted and decided to pay your birth parents a visit, but it sure wasn't a friendly visit.  When nothing happened, your birth parents said "what a hoax. Nothing happened."  "Who's a hoax?" He said as your parents cowered in fear.   "You two want to call me a hoax?! Well then see if this is a hoax!" He said as he "took care of your birth parents."  Once they were taken care of, Candyman returned to the other world, where he heard the baby crying.  "Shh... little one. You're safe now. No one can harm you ever again." He said softly as the baby slowly calmed down.  "Now let's get you taken care of little one." He said.

His First Night with You at Home- When your new daddy brought you to his world, the first thing he did was turn his "hook" hand back into a normal hand, so he wouldn't hurt you. You began to wake up and your new daddy smiled at you. "Well hello there sleepyhead. Did you have a nice sleep?" He cooed as he started to make a bottle for you, knowing that you might be hungry. You cooed sweetly at him, which made him smile. You were an easy baby to care for, and your daddy knew the signs. If you were hungry, he made you a bottle. If you were fussy, he changed your diaper and if you were just sad, he gave you cuddles. After you had your bottle, your daddy knew that it was time for a bath.

At first you were a little scared, but your daddy showed you that bath time could be fun. He added a red and yellow bath fizzy, which turned the water orange. You looked at the water with amazement, which made your daddy chuckle. "Okay my little honey bee. Time to clean." He cooed as he gently began to wash you. Once you were cleaned, your daddy let you play for a little a bit. You were splashing around, having fun when your daddy said "it seems my little honey bee loves bath time." He said as he got you out of the tub, got you dried, diapered and changed into a warm pair of pajamas.

Who They Trust to Babysit You- The only person your daddy trusted to watch you was himself, for he didn't trust no one after he was betrayed. 

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, your daddy was working on a special nursery for you. You were asleep in a Moses basket, which was your temporary crib, which gave him the perfect opportunity to work on your nursery. He began to paint the walls a nice shade of y/f/c and began to put your crib and changing table together and filled up the containers with the changing supplies. After everything was put up and was in it's place, your daddy came to check on you and noticed that were about to wake up.

"Well hello there little bee. How was your nap?" He cooed as you smiled up at him. "Daddy has something special to show you." He cooed as he took you to nursery and covered your e/c with his hand. "Surprise! Welcome to your new nursery, my sweet little bee." He cooed as you started to cry. "Oh y/n. Don't cry It's okay, daddy's here. Daddy's here." He cooed softly as he wiped away your tears. You gave your daddy a hug, for your birth parents didn't do anything for you, like your new daddy does. "Do you want to play with your new puppy?" He cooed as he made a stuffed puppy appear and gave her/him to you. You hugged your new friend and all of you played together.

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