Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead) Catch-Up

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A/N- The next two requests were requested by YuGiOhfan1999.  I thank you for your requests and I'm soooo sorry for taking so long to get to your requests.  I do hope that you'll enjoy your requests and I hope that they make up for it.  

And a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for your help. You're fang-tastic ^vv^

How He Finds/Meets You- One night, while searching for any survivors,  Rick Grimes heard a baby's cry and a hungry animal's growl.  Acting fast, Rick ran as fast as he could to the baby, saving the baby before a hungry hyena had gotten a hold of the infant.  "There, there little one. You're safe now." He said, softly to the baby, who was gripping his shirt.   The hyena was circling, where Rick and the baby were when Rick covered the baby's ears and fired a gunshot, which scared the hyena away and made the baby cry more.   "Shh... little one. I'm sorry I scared you." He said as rocked the baby to sleep.  Once the baby was asleep, Rick made his way back to the Alexandria Safe Zone, where the other survivors were waiting.    

His First Night with You at Home-As Rick entered the Alexandria Safe Zone, Daryl Dixon,  one of Rick's closest friends saw him coming into the safe zone, but he was cradling something in a blanket within his arms.  "Hey, Rick. What's in your arms?" He asked as he took Daryl to the side and showed him, the now sleeping baby. "Where did you find the kid?" He asked as Rick told him everything.  "Well since we have a new recruiter, I'll see if we have any wood, so the kid can sleep in a crib," Daryl said as he left, while Rick took the sleeping baby to his room, so the baby could sleep, peacefully.  While Rick was doing some work when the baby woke up and started to cry for Rick.  "Shh... you're okay. It's okay, little one." He cooed as the baby tried to latch onto him.  "Hey, I'm not a female, but I know that you're hungry." He said as Daryl knocked on his door and came inside. "I thought you could use these." He said as he placed some baby bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, and baby powder down as well as the new crib before he made a bottle for the hungry little baby.  "There we go," Daryl said as he gave Rick the bottle as he fed the baby. "How did you know that the kid was hungry?" Rick asked as he fed the baby. "You mean other than hearing "hey I'm not a female and I know you're hungry," Daryl said with a smirk.  "Other than that." "Well, remember Judith?" "Yeah."  "That's how I know," Daryl said. Once the baby had a full tummy, Rick started to burp the baby but ended up changing a dirty diaper and finding out that the baby was a little girl/boy.   

Once the baby girl/boy was taken care of, Rick laid the little girl/boy down in the crib that Daryl had made for the new recruit.  Rick was wondering what to name the baby until he came up with the perfect name for her/him.  "I'll name you, y/n.  Y/n Grimes is a great name. Goodnight y/n. Daddy and Uncle Daryl love you very much." Your new daddy said as he and your uncle Daryl left since they were on guard duty that night.   

Who He Trusts to Babysit You- The only person that your daddy trusted to babysit you was his close friend and your uncle, Daryl Dixon.  

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, you were crawling around on a soft blanket, while your daddy and uncle Daryl were working on your new nursery, while another survivor watched you.  "Where do you want the crib, Grimes?" Daryl asked as your daddy told him where he wanted your crib. Once everything was placed and your daddy was happy with the nursery, it was time to show you.  When your daddy came down to get you, but you were sound asleep.  "Let's get you into your crib, y/n." He cooed as he picked you up and carried you to your new nursery. 


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