Thackery Binx (Hocus Pocus) Catch-Up

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This request was requested by jonathans_little_angel

A/N- Some pictures were made by jonathans_little_angel.  And a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for all your help.  You're the best helper ever! 

How He Finds/Meets You- One night, while returning home from a hard day's work, Thackery Binx saw a basket on his front porch.  Thackery looked around to see if there was anyone around, but it was only him. He noticed a small note inside of the basket that held a newborn baby, swaddled in a white blanket.   Since it was almost dark, Thackery took the little baby inside of his home, since his father and mother were out and won't be returning anytime soon.  "Don't worry little one, I promise to keep you safe from any danger." He said as the baby began to smile in it's sleep. "Let's get you inside, little one, before the witches get us." He said as he got inside his house, where his sister, Emily Binx was waiting for her brother, Thackery to help make dinner. 

His First Night with You at Home- "Thackery Binx. Where have you been?" Emily asked as she set the table.  "I'm sorry, Emily.  I got a little distracted by someone." He said. "Was it a girl?" Emily teased as the baby made a sweet little coo, getting her and Thackery's attention.  "Brother? When did you have/ get a baby?" Emily asked.  "Well apparently I think that the parents didn't want this little cutie/handsome boy. But we are going to take in the baby and raise her/him as our own."  Thackery said as the baby tried to grab his nose. "(Giggles) I think someone just picked her/his daddy." Emily said as the baby cooed as she/he got Thackery's nose. "(funny voice) Oh you find my nose funny, huh?" He said as he chuckled.   "Does the baby have a name, Thackery?"  Emily asked as Thackery grabbed the note and found out that the baby didn't have a name.  "I think I'll call her/him, y/n." Your new daddy said as you gurgled at your new name.  "Y/n Binx is a lovely name, brother. Welcome to the Binx, family, y/n." Your aunt Emily said as all of you sat down and had dinner.  

Who He Trusts to Babysit You- The only people your daddy trusted to watch you was his little sister, your aunt, Emily Binx, your grandparents or your daddy's friend, Elijah. 

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, you were with your aunt Emily, while your daddy and his best friend, Elijah were outside making some furniture for your new nursery.  "I hope y/n loves her/his nursery." Your daddy said as he sanded down your new freshly handmade crib.  "I'm sure she/he will, Thackery.  Plus y/n loves anything." Elijah said.   Meanwhile you and your aunt Emily were doing story time, while your daddy and uncle Elijah putting your nursery together, now that all hard work of making a crib and changing table were completed.  

"And we all that's left is to put up the mobile and we're done." Your daddy said as he and Elijah looked at the finished nursery, when they heard you fussing, for you were tired. "Aww, is my little kitten sleepy?" Your daddy cooed as he picked you up and carried you to your nursery.  You saw your nursery, but you were too tired to noticed it. "There we go, y/n." Your daddy cooed as he tucked you in. "Now let's have nap time together." He said as he turned into his cat form and snuggled with you.  "Sleep well my little kitten.  I'll see you when you wake up." He cooed before the two of you went to sleep. 


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