Valentine's Day Part 5 (Marlow- Wayne Kirsch)

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A/N: A HUGE thank you to Chanbien for all of your help with this book and this update.   I can't thank you enough for all the help you give me. 

Marlow (30 Days of Night)- Tonight, your daddy and mommy were out along with your aunties and uncles, except your auntie Kali, who was going to be watching you, since your parents weren't ready for you to see them or your aunties or uncles as vampires. As you were playing with your toys, two loving arms picked you up, making you squeal, happily. "Hi my sweet little vampire princess/prince." Your daddy cooed as you snuggled into his chest. "Mommy, your aunties and uncles and myself are going out for a little bit, but your auntie Kali is going to be babysitting you." Your daddy said as you smiled and clapped your hands, for you love spending time with your auntie Kali. Your mommy came out and took you into her arms and gave you kisses. "We won't be long, y/n and if you're good for auntie Kali, we'll do something fun." She said. "Wuv wu mama and dada." You said as you hugged them. "We love you too, y/n. Now you have fun with auntie Kali and we'll be back later." They cooed as they each gave you a hug and a kiss and left. "Now that mommy and daddy are gone, how about we do some special Valentine's day baking?" She asked as you started to chant "ookies! Ookies!" "(Chuckles) Oh y/n." Your auntie Kali said as the two of you headed to the kitchen to bake some cookies. Once you and your auntie Kali were done making the batter, you added a little bit of red and pink food dye to the batter, so you had red and pink heart-shaped cookies. Once the cookies were in the oven, you were covered in flour, red and pink food dye and batter. "I think someone needs a bath, after the cookies are done baking." She said as you smiled and giggled up at your aunt. (Time skip to your family coming home)

After you were cleaned up and changed, your parents and the rest of your family came home. "Mama! Dada!" You said as you ran to them and jumped onto your daddy. "Oof. It's nice to see you too, baby girl/boy." Your daddy said. "Dada! Me ows wu and mama ometing. (Me shows you and mama something)" You said as you took their hands and went into the kitchen, where a batch of freshly decorated cookies waited. "(Gasps) Did you and auntie Kali bake cookies?" Your daddy cooed as he tickled you. "Ookies!" You said as your mommy and daddy chuckled. Just then Arvin came in and took a cookie, but he didn't eat it, he stomped right on it, making you cry. "Arvin! How could you do that in front of y/n?!" Your daddy hissed as you ran to your mommy, who took you to your nursery to calm you down. (Time skip)

After your mommy calmed you down, your mommy told you that she and your daddy would take you out for  dinner, of your choice and go get ice cream

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After your mommy calmed you down, your mommy told you that she and your daddy would take you out for dinner, of your choice and go get ice cream. "Where do you want to go, sweetie? Do you want to go to McDonald's and get yummy nuggies?" She cooed as she tickled your feet, which made you giggle. "Do I hear laughter?" Your daddy said as he came into your nursery and saw that you had a happy face once more. "Are we going for nuggies?" "Nuggies!" You said loudly and the three of you were off and as Arvin, let's just say he was going to be pink for a long time, since your daddy covered him in permanent neon pink hair dye.  

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