Wendy Torrance (The Shining)

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This character was requested by @JulieMclntyre4 . I thank you for your request and I do hope that you'll enjoy your request.  Also I made Danny a little older, like in his teen years.

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to @Chanbien  for your help. You're fang-tastic ^vv^

How She  Finds/Meets You- It's been a few years since Wendy and her son, Danny had left the Overlook hotel and started a new life.  One night, while at her new home, Wendy had just finished up with the dishes, when she heard a knock at the front door.  Feeling scared, due to the recent events that occurred at the Overlook hotel, she took a gun with her and went to answer the door.  "H-hello? Is there someone there?" She asked as she heard a baby's cry. She looked down and saw a baby dressed in old rags, shivering. "Oh you poor thing. Let's get you warmed up." She said as she closed the door and called for Danny.   "What's wrong, mom?"  He asked as he saw his mother holding a baby. "I need your help, Danny. I need you go out and get a few baby items, while I try my best to warm up the baby." She said as Danny nodded and went out to the local store and got all the baby items that his mother needed and headed back home.  "I'm going to start the bath for the baby, mom." He said as he went upstairs with the baby bath items to the bathroom.  Wendy brought the baby up to the bathroom and got rid of the rags that the baby had on and gave the baby a bath.  

Once bath time was over, Wendy had found out that the baby was a little girl/boy. She got the baby girl/boy dried, diapered and dressed.  "I bet you're hungry. Let's get you something to eat, y/n." She said as you cooed at your new name.  "You like that name? Then y/n it is." She said as she took you to the kitchen to make you something to eat.

Her First Night with You at Home-  You were an easy to care for, but when bedtime came around, you became fussy. "Shh... y/n. It's okay, mommy's here. Mommy's here." Your mommy cooed as you hugged her close. "I think y/n doesn't want to be alone mom." Danny said. "I think you're right.  How about we all have a big slumber party in the living room?" She said as you cooed softly. "I'll make a fire." Danny said as your mommy grabbed one of Danny's old baby blankets.  As Danny made the fire, your mommy made a bottle of milk for you.  As your mommy sat down in her rocking chair, she began to feed you.  "This takes me back to when you were a baby, Danny." Your mommy said as she slowly started to rock you to sleep.  "Mom. Don't embarrass me in front of my little sister/brother." Danny said, teasingly as you drifted off to sleep.  "Goodnight y/n. Your brother and I love you very much."  Your mommy cooed as she placed you in Danny's bassinet.  

Who They Trust to Babysit You- The only person your mommy trusted to to watch you was, your big brother, Danny.

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, your mommy and big brother were working on your nursery, while you were watching the Berenstain Bears.  You were giggling as you watched your show, with your mommy checking on you every few minutes or so.  "What kind a theme are we going to do, mom?" Danny asked.  "I'm thinking of a mountain/forest  theme." She said. "I think that's a great theme mom." Danny said as the both of them started on laying out the scenery on the wall. (Time skip)

 (Time skip)

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