Mac (Red Canyon- 2008) Catch Up

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This was requested by YuGiOhfan1999.  I thank you for your request and I hope that you'll enjoy your request.  Also I do apologize for taking so loooooong to do your  request. 

Warning: This maybe a little dark and scary, so if anyone is under the age of 18, please don't read if this chapter makes you feel scared or uncomfortable.  As all of you know, I don't force anyone to read something if it makes them feel uncomfortable. 

And a small mention of alcohol. 

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to madeleine_claire for your help with this request.

How He  Found/Meet You- It was hot summer's night in Caineville, when Mac was just coming back home from the local bar, when he heard a crying sound.   Acting fast, he followed the sound and found a baby that was at least a month old.  "Oh you poor little one. I'll take care of you and you'll be safe with me, for it's not safe out here, especially at night." He said as he got the baby and drove off back to his bunker, for strange things had been happening in Caineville and in the desert and Mac knew that he needed to get home before anything bad happened.   

His  First Night with You at Home- Once the baby and Mac were back home, safe and sound, Mac had found a baby bassinet and put it together and washed it, so it was cleaned for the baby to lay in.  "Let's give you a bath, little one." Your new daddy cooed as he took  the baby to the bathroom, so the baby have it's first bath.  As Mac was getting the baby ready for it's first bath,  he noticed that the baby was a little girl/boy and there were some bruises on the little one.  "How could be so cruel and hurt their baby?" He thought to himself.   After the baby girl/boy had her/his bath,  Mac remembered that he didn't have any diapers or baby clothes,  but then an idea popped into his head.  He grabbed two old t-shirts and turned them into a temporary diaper for the baby girl/boy.  

After the baby girl/boy was diapered and dressed, Mac made a baby bottle, swaddled the baby girl/boy up and fed his new baby girl/boy.  "You know little one, I haven't named you yet, but I think I found the prefect name for you. I'm going to name you, y/n." He said as you cooed up at your new daddy. "I think someone loves her/his new name and her/his new dad." He cooed as he burped you and took you to bed, since it was getting late.  

Who He Trust to Babysit You-The only person your daddy trusted to babysit you was himself, for if anything happened to you, he wouldn't know what to do. 

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, your daddy was working on making a special nursery for you.   You were in your pack n play, playing with the hanging toys, while your daddy was working, but checking on you every ten minutes or so.    You always giggled when your daddy checked on you, for he'd always make a funny face at you.   Once your nursery was done, your daddy came and got you, so he could show you your new nursery.  "Hi baby girl/boy.  Daddy has a special surprise for you." He cooed as he picked you up and carried you to your new nursery.   Before your daddy opened the door to your nursery, he covered your eyes, opened the door and said "surprise! Here's your new nursery." He said as he removed his hand from your eyes and you were in shocked as you looked around your new nursery.  "(Chuckles) Do you like your new room, y/n?" Your daddy asked as you squealed, happily.  "You're welcome, y/n." Your daddy said as you hugged him and the two of you went to play before lunchtime. 


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