The Kirsch Family: Quinn Kirsch (Scream 6)

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A/N- Hello everyone, 

Happy new year, but I'm sorry that updates are slow, but they are coming.  I am putting requests on hold for this book, for I really need to do some chapters. I will take chapter requests but as for characters, they're on hold, for now.  If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me a message and we can talk about your questions or concerns.  I do hope everyone understands and I wish all of you a happy and blessed new year.  

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to my WONDERFUL helper, Chanbien.  You're the BEST helper ever!  Thank you so much for your help with all my books.  You're just AMAZING!  

Y/f/c/d- Your favorite color dye

How She Finds/Meets You- It was cold, dark, rainy night, when Quinn Kirsch, (daughter of Officer Wayne Kirsch and sister to Richie and Ethan Kirsch) was out looking for her older brother, to see if he completed his mission, which was to kill Samantha Loomis, daughter of the very famous serial killer, Billy Loomis.  "Richie? Where are you?" She called out as she found Amber, but she was lying flat faced on the floor.  "Amber, stop playing around." She said as felt for a pules but got none. "Oh no. If Amber's dead, what if." Quinn thought to herself as she ran to go find her big brother, in hopes he was alive, but sadly, he wasn't.   "Richie? Richie, please talk to me." She begged her older brother, but just like Amber, he had no pules.  "(Crying) Not my brother. Not Richie." She said as she called her father and told him the very sad news.  

When Ethan, the youngest member and brother of Kirsch family arrived, Wayne called for back up, when a strange sound hit Quinn's ears.  She decided to follow the sound, which led her to a tree, where a tiny bundle of blankets were and a crying sound could be heard.  Quinn got down on her knees, removed a blanket and was shocked with what she saw.  There on the ground was a tiny newborn baby.  She picked up the baby and began to gently shush and bounce the baby in her arms. "Shh... it's okay little one." She said as the baby snuggled into her, looking for warmth.  "Who ever done this to you, I swear I'm going to make them." Quinn said in her head. "I better get you to the hospital, so a doctor can look at you." She said as she made her way back to her father, asked him if he could take her to the hospital, no questions asked.  Her father agreed as both of them got into the car and drove off to the hospital.  

Once there, Quinn went inside with the baby, which made her father wonder on when his daughter was pregnant and who was the boyfriend who got her pregnant and just ended up leaving her as a single mother.  "Help my baby, please." Quinn said as a doctor took the baby to the examining room. " So when were you pregnant and who's the baby's father?" Wayne asked his daughter.  "Dad, I wasn't pregnant or have a boyfriend.  I found a baby alone and left by a tree.  No parents. No family. No one." She said as Wayne felt bad for the little baby.  When the doctor came out, he told them that the baby is healthy, but the baby was cold, so a nurse was in the back giving the baby a warm bath.  "Does the baby have any parents?" He asked as Quinn nodded no and told the doctor how she found the baby.  "Don't worry doc. I'm a cop and I'm looking into this case." Wayne said as the doctor left and while another nurse brought Quinn and her father to the nursery, where the baby was. "Oh, look little one. You have some visitors." The other nurse said as she gave the baby to Quinn and showed her to hold the baby properly.   "Hello there, little one." Quinn cooed as the baby looked up at her, happy to see the nice lady who saved them.  "Oh. Before I go, would you like to know if the baby is a girl or a boy?" The nurse asked as Quinn nodded.  So the nurse put the sex of the baby onto a piece of paper and gave it to Wayne, since Quinn was spending time with the baby.  "Thank you." "You're welcome and just press the buzzer if you need anything." The nurse said just as she was being paged.  Wayne opened the paper and was happy to know that he was the proud grandfather to a little girl/boy.  "Is the baby a girl/boy?" Quinn asked as her father said "it's a girl/boy."  Quinn was filled with joy, for she always wanted a little girl/boy.   

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