Headless Horseman (Sleepy Hollow) Catch-Up

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A/N- This request was requested by Queenkitssun200

Warning: Mentioning of the word(s): Murders, heads-rolling, chopping, dead body and a gif, which shows some blood. So if anyone doesn't like blood, please skip over the gif. 

Also this the movie version, not to be confused with the TV show of the same name & a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for all of your help.  You're AWESOME

How He Finds/Meets You- It was cold, dark, Autumn night in the town of Sleepy Hollow, when a young couple, who were carrying a baby girl/boy to the tree of death, which so happens to be the resting place of the Headless Horseman, himself.   "Hurry up. That creature will be coming back soon." The birth father said. "I'm hurrying as fast as I can. It's not easy climbing these hills with a baby, you know." The birth mother said back.   Just then a horse's neigh could be heard. "Hurry and leave the brat.  We must go before that-." The birth father said, but he couldn't finish what he was saying, for someone had chopped off his head!!! The birth mother ran as fast as she could, but she too had lost her head.   The person, more like a monster, that had been haunting Sleepy Hollow is the one and only Headless Horseman, himself.   Getting back on his horse, Daredevil, he collected his "prizes" he rode back to the tree of death and heard a baby's cry.  Putting his sword away, he went by the tiny newborn and gently picked it up.  

The horseman felt bad for the little baby, for what kind of parents abandons their own baby and leaves it on the cold ground?   "Shh... little one.  It's going to be alright now.  You're safe from those two horrible people.  I promise you that they will never harm you again." He said as he decided to take the baby to his old cottage, where he would raise the baby as his own.  "Daredevil. Take us home." He said as he held onto the baby as Daredevil took his master back home to the cottage up on the hill. 

His First Night with You at Home- Once the horseman was home, he looked down at the baby he had just saved.  The poor baby was shivering from almost being sacrificed.  The horseman took off his cape and gently swaddled the baby, in hopes that his cape would warm up the baby.  A little later, the horseman saw that the baby wasn't shivering anymore.  "Are we all warmed up now, little one?" He asked as the baby left out a sleepy yawn.  "I'm guessing someone's tired." He said as he made up a small bed for you.  Since the horseman is very good with his axe, he quickly made a small cradle for the tiny newborn.   Once you were placed in the cradle, he gently rocked it, putting the baby into a deep sleep.   "You know little one. I haven't named you yet, but I think I found the prefect name for you.  I'll name you, y/n." He said as the baby smiled at the new name that was given.  "Y/n it is then. Sweet dreams y/n. Daddy loves you." He said as he went to sleep, since dawn was approaching. 

Who He Trusts to Babysit You- The only person your trusted to babysit you was himself.  For if anyone else watched you, your daddy wouldn't allow it.  

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, your daddy was busy working on your new nursery, by making a handmade crib and changing table, while you were with Daredevil, who was keeping you company, while you cuddled with him.   As your daddy had everything set up, perfectly, it was time to show you your new nursery.  You cooed and babbled at Daredevil, when your daddy came to get you. "Are you telling Daredevil a story, y/n?" Your daddy asked as you giggled.  "Such a good girl/boy." He said as he carried you inside and showed you your nursery. 


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