Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd) Catch-Up

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A/N- Warning: Mentioning of the word(s): Poison, die and some violence 

Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Chanbien for your help on this chapter and with this book.  You're the BEST!!! :)

How She Finds/Meets You-  It was cloudy, rainy day in London, when two customers came into Mrs. Lovett's meat pie shop. "(Gasps) Customers. Please come in and have a seat." She said as she got to "clean" glasses.  "Now, what can I get you, two?" She asked as the female shoved a bundle of blankets into her.  "Keep it.  It's your responsibility now." She hissed as she and the man left.  "What a rude couple. Now let's see what they left me." She said as she unwrapped the blankets and was shock to see what she had uncovered.  There in the middle of the blankets laid a beautiful baby girl/boy, who had the most beautiful e/c eyes.  "Oh, you poor little child. Don't you worry, I promise I'm more nicer than those birth parents of yours. Now let's get you taken care of." She cooed as the baby smiled up at her.  

Her First Night with You at Home- The first thing that Mrs. Lovett did was give the baby girl/boy a nice warm bath.  "There we go. We'll have you clean in no time, little one." She said as she washed the baby.  After bath time was done, Mrs. Lovett used some towels to make a makeshift diaper and found a sleeper.  Once the baby was all dressed,  Sweeney came downstairs and saw Mrs. Lovett with a baby. "What's with the baby, Mrs. Lovett?" Sweeney Todd asked. "Her/his parents just abandoned the poor dear by shoving her/him into me." She said.  "Do you know what they look like?" He asked as she nodded.  "Good.  If they come back, I'll make sure to them the closest shave of their lives." He said.  "Can you watch her/him for a minute, Mr. T? I need to make a bottle for the baby." She said as he nodded.   

As Sweeney held the baby girl/boy, it took him back to when Johanna, his baby girl was born.  Sweeney gently rocked the baby girl/boy, since the baby was getting a little fussy.  "I'm here, little one.  And I have your bottle all ready." She said as Sweeney gave the baby to her as she sat down on the couch and fed the baby.  "What are you going to the name the baby, Mrs. Lovett?" Sweeney asked her.   "I think I'm going to name my new daughter/son, y/n." She said as you cooed at your new name.  "I think y/n loves her/his new name too. Now about those ungreatful parents of hers/his." He said as your mommy wanted to wait to tell him until you went to bed, for she didn't want you to be upset. 

Who She Trusts to Babysit You- The only two people your mommy trusted to babysit you was your big brother, Toby and  Mr.  Todd, who was like a father to you. 

The Nurseries/Bedrooms They Make for You- Today, your mommy, Sweeney and you were out at the shops, when your mommy saw Toby, a boy who was working with his "master", Senor Pirelli, another barber, but he wasn't as good of a barber, like your daddy is.   "Hey! Leave the poor boy alone, you veil, evil man!" Your mommy yelled as she took Toby's hand and took him over to you and your daddy.   "Are you alright son?" She asked as she noticed Toby's hand was bleeding.   "I'm fine, mum. And thank you for saving me.  I really don't like working for that man." He said as your mommy aided his hand.  "Don't have any parents?" She asked.  "No, but please don't send me back to the workhouse." He begged.  "Mr. T? Would you mind if the boy stays with us? I could always use an extra pair of hands in the shop."  She said.  "I don't mind. Now let's get shopping before the rain comes." He said, knowing that you would get sick.  (Time skip to home and making the nursery) 

When all of you got home, your daddy and your new brother, Toby went upstairs to work on your nursery, while your mommy made lunch and you played in the played in the playpen.   "Where do you want the mobile, Mr. Todd?" Toby asked. "Over the crib, but don't worry about that. I'll hang it up." He said as he hung up the mobile.  "There. Now, let's go show y/n her/his new nursery." Your daddy said. 

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