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Ire pov

I lay on my bed before picking up my phone from the nightstand to call Damola. He picks on the second ring.

"Guys, how did it go?" He asks.

"I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but thank you"

"I wasn't expecting that. By the way my wife is due in less than a month, remember that promise you made some months ago"

"So you still remember it" I'm not surprised, he hardly forgets things.

"Yes nah, and I changed my mind-"

"Thank God" I let out a sigh.

"Why are you thanking God, I wanted to tell you that I'm using your private jet which you abandoned in that govern-"


"You made a promise" he reminds. I can imagine him smiling at the other end.

"This was not part, you said i would pay for the flight and other  things" I say

"That is the reason why I'm using your jet to prevent you from wasting money paying for first class" I know he is right.

"Fine" I give in "take your family but your son-"

"He is staying with you, remember?"

I groan "Guy, what is this?"

"Stella and Adaeze is staying with you and I know olamide will love both of you besides you can start by using him" He says.

I sit up so I can listen to him properly "I don't get"

"One day you would get married and soon become a father, my son would be-"

I laugh "my child would never be like Olamide, you need to tame your son"

"Whatever" He replies.

"I want to sleep and don't forget to come early, remember we are having meeting with the board members"

"Can't forget, especially Mrs Adenuga, if I was the ceo I would have given her all her shares"

"I'm not surprised, in fact you would have even given all the board members their properties and no one would ever hear of the company" I say and we both laugh.

"Shut up. What did Adaeze say when you asked her to be hour girlfriend?"

I forgot.

"With your silence, I know you forgot to ask" He says after a while.

"I completely forgot"

"We practiced this for forty eight minutes and yet you forgot that line" He sounds like my mom.

I roll my eyes, truly we did practice and my advice for everyone is to never practice with Damola being your coach.

"At least I remembered other lines" I try to justify myself.

"Don't even bother to ask her again, it has expired"

"Goodnight Damola"

A glass shattering is heard in the background.

"Olamide, get away from there" Damola yells.

"Wow, if your son breaks anything in my house when he comes, you are paying for it"

"Bye, Ifunanya is sleeping upstairs so I have to clean up this mess"

"Bye" I say and hang up.

I lay back on the bed, before someone knocks on the door.

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