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Adaeze pov

I layed on my bed reminiscing on all that had happened to me this past few months and even before i met Ire. How I believed my parents were dead and had to move back to the orphanage. The bullies I got there, the numerous times I complained but no one believed me.

I clearly remember the first time I saw my period, a few months before my fourteenth birthday. I was never taught about it and how to manage myself, I was even too ashamed to tell anyone about it. When you grow up in the orphanage, you never for once get the opportunity to save so I had to use a cloth instead of a real and much more comfortable pad. Even if I wanted to use one, there was no one to give me, the money being sent to that orphanage home was selfishly used by the owners.

The time I turned eighteen, I was happy for two reasons; first because I would finally leave the orphanage and secondly because I got admission to study nutrition in the university. I never knew this happiness would be shortlived after I entered school.

Life at the university was not that bad until my second year when I knew the meaning of hell on earth. I met this lecturer, Mr Asulo,  who to pass his subject you must either buy his handouts which was really expensive or sleep with him as a lady. I saved up money from the errands I ran but that was never enough for the old man, he even promised to marry me if I had slept with him. Apart from lack of money, he also contributed to my dropping out of school.

When I met Ire things changed. Stella helped in her own ways, but that was not enough and she had her own problems to deal with. I was encouraged to go back to school through Ire, there are a lot of firsts I've done while being with him.

It's high time I'd confess my feelings, just the perfect plan.


"Hey good evening" I greeted. I leaned on the door frame to sooth my rapid breathing.

There he was, sitted on one of the high stool working with his computer, a cup of coffee placed beside him. He stooped typing and turned his attention to me.  I noticed he was wearing an apron.

"You looked good on that" I complement before moving further inside. The envelope was still on one of my hand which was behind me.

"Thanks, I wanted to prepare dinner", he looked at the sink where a burnt pot was, "but the pot has a mind of its own"

I wanted to laugh but that would make him feel bad "Thanks, I wasn't really hungry" I said instead.

"Okay, I thought you were reading since your exam is on thursday"

"I was bored and it seems like I've been reading the same thing over and over so I'm taken a break"

"I understand. My mom left about an hour before you came, and Stella said she might come late tonight, she is still searching for an apartment" he said.

"An apartment?"

"Yeah, she didn't tell you?"

"No, maybe she might have forgotten to"

Or maybe she is planning something crazy.

"What is that you are holding?" He asked. It was then I realised that my hand was no longer behind me.

I walked closer to him and dropped the letter "It was something I wrote to you"


I pulled the bed cover up to my chest region, a call from came in and I bend over to pick it. Mum.

"Hey mom, good evening"  I greeted.

"Adaeze, you disappointed me. I was expecting you today" she said, hurt clear in her voice.

I slapped my hand over my head remembering the conversation I had with her last night. "Mom, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about it"

There was silence on the other end.

"Mom, are you there?" I asked after a while.

"Yes, I was checking out something, how is ire? "

A book at the edge of the bed caught my attention and I crawled to go pick it up.  "He's fine"

"Are you too dating?" I stopped flipping the pages of the book as I was shocked.

"Em, we are not" I answered truthfully. Even with the a.c on, the temperature of the room was high.

"I'm sorry for asking I just wanted to know since you both are staying together"

I sighed and started explaining why I was staying with ire.

************ *****


I stood at the door waiting for Adaeze to be done with her conversation.  I entered after knocking when I could not longer hear her voice.

She looked up from the book she was reading and flashed me a smiled. God, that smile is the best in the bed.

Her expression changed from smiling to something like embarrassment and she moved further into the bed.

"I came to talk about what you gave me" I moved from the door closing it behind me. She hummed in response but didn't look up from the book.

"I read the letter" I said.

She nodded her head.

"How long?" I asked. She looked up from the book giving me full attention.

"How long what?"

I sat close to her on the bed and took her hand in mine, making sure my finger brushed hers. "How long did you notice you have feelings for me"

"I can't really remember" she answered " But I think a month"

"A month? " I asked surprised "Why are you just telling-"

"I didn't know how to bring it up, I wanted to tell you the day you confessed yours to me but I was a bit shy" she gulped

"You are still shy because you had to write it on a paper" I said


"I don't really believe in letter, say the words adaeze" I turned her chin so she would look at me without glancing at the book in her hands again.

"Say it" I repeated.

"It would sound weird" she said shyly.

"No it's won't, I said mine to you remember?" her cheeks heated.

"Fine fine, ire I love you" she blurted and looked away again.

I stayed silent studying her. When she turned back, I pulled her closer to me.

"I love you Adaeze, heaven is my witness. I would never do anything to hurt you or that would make you ever regret loving me. I would make sure to be the man you can proudly and without regret call yours to the world. Nothing, I mean nothing, not even my mom would erase what I have for you" Bye the time I was done, her eyes were watery and I used my thumb to wipe it off.

"I'm not meant to cry, how do they even do it, you know I've never been in a relationship before"

"Be my girlfriend" I stated.

"I mean, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked when I realised that one came out bluntly.


"Yes, will you?"

She nodded happily "I love you, you love me, so yes, I will be your girlfriend"

"Say it again with my full name and my middle name is Josiah" I ordered.

"I love you Adeleke Josiah Adedamiire"

I looked between her lips and her eyes and when she gave me confirmation, I leaned in gracing my lips with hers.

Shout out to a boy who can't go a day without disturbing me adejumoadedayo, spam his book with votes.

I was going through annoying school work and the rest but here I'm am.

I love you and do so back by voting.

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