Chapter 12

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Sebastian the idiot walked past our table. Completely ignoring us.


"Hi." He smiled at the waitress that was standing like a table away. "I want a table for.." he trailed of.

Sebastian's voice made Jeremy look up from his menu so I also pretended to be shocked at the unexpectedly expected person's voice.

Sebastian looked around dramatically, skipping our table purposely once, to pretend he was looking for an empty table.

His grey eyes scanned the restaurant again when his gaze stopped at our table.

He opened his mouth in surprise and brought his hand to his heart in a dramatic manner.

Sebastian literally skipped to our table.

"Oh my God you guys!" Sebastian smiled so big that his gums were almost visible. "I didn't expect to see you here. What a lovely surprise!" His grey eyes found mine at that and a cough escaped my mouth.

Jeremy smiled back at Sebastian forcefully. "Lovely indeed."

"Sir." The waitress came up to Sebastian who he inquired for for a table. "We have a table."

"No need for that." He smiled at the waitress adorably. The waitress blushed a little. "I found my friends here. It was a complete, unexpected surprise. I will eat with them."
With that Sebastian got an unoccupied chair and sat at our table with us.

"You are very welcome to sit with us Sebastian." Jeremy said into his menu, gritting his teeth.

Sebastian found my eye and gave me a wink and a smirk. I looked away.

"So..." Sebastian spoke up. "What are you guys doing here? Alone? Hot date?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Actually..." Jeremy decided to speak up.

When Sebastian interrupted him. "Oh dear." He said dramatically. "Am I interrupting a date? Should I leave you two alone?" His green eyes found mine. They were lit with amusement.

I brought my foot down on his foot. He sucked in a breath.

"Actually..." Jeremy started to say again when I interrupted him.

"No need Sebastian. Right Jeremy." I smiled at Jeremy who looked lost. "We were just hanging out. Nothing big."

"Okay if you say so." Sebastian said innocently. I glared at him.

After ordering our food we slid into a very awkward chit chat.

There was silence on the table. And I was getting awkward so I leaned forward to get my glass of water. I wanted something in my hand.

Sebastian was watching my every move.

As I drank a little water and kept the glass back Sebastian said, "You look amazing Adalynn." I found his eyes but his eyes were roaming up and down my body.

Jeremy noticed that and cleared his throat. "Yes Adalynn, you look awesome."

"Thank you." I smiled at Jeremy.

Our food came then and we started to eat. Sebastian kept the chit chat alive on our otherwise awkward table.

We finished our food and waited for the cheque.

When the check came Jeremy immediately snatched it. "I'll pay."

"Okay." Sebastian said and leaned back in his chair.

"Don't be silly Jeremy. Let me see the cheque."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and made a face at me.

"No. Let me..." Sebastian snatched the cheque and gave it to me.

"Give her the thing. She will keep on whining otherwise." Sebastian smirked at me. I glared back.

We all contributed our share and got up to leave.

"Guys." Sebastian said suddenly. "I still can't believe this unexpected surprise."

Please God, shut this guy's mouth for me.

We both said nothing. All three of us walked together. It was clear that Jeremy wanted to speak to me alone but Sebastian wouldn't leave us.

When we reached the parking area Sebastian spoke up again. "Time for desert."

"Ofcourse." Jeremy sighed. "Where?"

"Who says you are coming? I was taking Adalynn." I gaped at Sebastian.

"Sebastian! Don't be rude!" I elbowed him.

"Adalynn, can I talk to you? Alone? " Jeremy asked suddenly. I nodded.

He took me over to his car.

"I had a great time." Did you now? "Would you like to hang out again? Today we were a little crowded." We both looked over at Sebastian who was leaning against his motorcycle and scrolling through his phone.

"Sure. Hang out is okay." I smiled. Jeremy's face lit up with a smile.

"That's great."

Hangout was okay, it was cool. Friends hung out. As long as it was not a date.

"Hey sweetheart!" Sebastian called. "I'll drop you off. Remember, I live around that side. You shouldn't bother poor Jeremy."

Jeremy gritted his teeth.

"That's probably a good idea. It's getting late Jeremy. You should go back to your house too. Sebastian will drop me off. He lives close by as he says." I said.

"I picked you up, I should drop you off." Jeremy reasoned.

"Seriously Jeremy." Sebastian joined us. He pulled a hand over my shoulders. "It will not be a problem. I will drop her." He smirked lightly at Jeremy as if showing off. His grey eyes were focused completely on him.

I pushed Sebastian's hand off as Jeremy said "fine."

"I'll see you then." Jeremy smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back with a smile. Sebastian mummered something under his breath.

When he pulled back I leaned up and kissed Jeremy's cheek. "Thankyou for tonight." I smiled and let Sebastian pull me towards his motorcycle.

"That was a cute cheek kiss." Sebastian said as he got a helmet and buckled it at my chin.

I smirked. "Do you want one too Collins?"

Holy crap. Where did this confidence come from? And where did my normal awkward self go? Sebastian seriously brought out new sides of me. Weird sides.

Sebastian's lips twitched at one side. "Sure. But I have different places in my mind." He pouted his lips. I smacked his lips with my hand.

"Behave detective. This type of nonsense are not appropriate when you are on a mission."

Sebastian smiled a genuine smile. "But my mission: crash the date is over. I saved the victim from a horrible and awkward date. And look, the date is gone too."

"Who said that? Detective, you are still on duty. You have to get an ice-cream for Adalynn." I raised my eyebrows.

Sebastian laughed out loud his amazing deep laugh.

"Sure thing sweetheart." He said.


Hi gorgeous people!

Sebastian is such a dramatic thing haha

Are you dramatic too? Like him? Or awkward like Jeremy?

Vote and comment!

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