Chapter 14

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"The freaking chemistry you guys have!" Stephanie fanned her face.

I told them everything. I mean not everything. Everything related to the real reason behind the break up was still a secret but otherwise yes. I just told them that he didn't want to do long distance back then. Which was very close to the real reason.

"It's very obvious you both still love each other." Aash observed.

"Then what are you waiting for exactly?" Chloe asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I opened my mouth to answer but I couldn't find anything to say.

"The trust between us was fragile. He didn't want to do long distance before. And I was scared that he would back out again. So I had to trust him again before I even thought about possibly getting back together." I replied to Chloe's question.

"Adalynn he has stayed over for these many days to win you back. That's not something a normal man who's not in love would do. He's fighting for you." Aash said.

"And it's definitely visible that you want to get back with him and he with you. You guys are destined to be together." Steph added.

"And you are using past tense in the sentences honey." Chloe noticed. And hearing her I observed that too. Realisation soon started setting in, in my heart after talking to the ladies.

After I finished talking to the girls it was past 1. Those idiots were hyping me up and making scenarios of me and Sebastian together.

To be honest, those didn't suck.

At all.

I kept my phone on my dresser and went to do my nightly routine.

After I was done with that I came out of my room to see where Sebastian was.

All the lights were off downstairs. I looked at his room. His door was closed but lights peaked from beneath it.

They turned off. He had gone off to bed.

I returned back to my room and climbed in my bed.

I laid in my bed and tried to sleep.

But I couldn't.

Thoughts of Sebastian clouded my mind and what the girls said especially Chloe.

Sebastian came back to me completely determined. He wanted me back. He proved every second that he was here to stay. Every time I looked around, he was there.

I remembered the intensity that burned in his grey eyes when he looked at me in the car and in the kitchen downstairs. He loves me. And that's why he came back. He has stayed just to make me trust him again.

'that was not something a normal who was not in love would do.' I remembered Aash's line.

He was fighting for me and my trust and it was time he had it.

He had it long back. Chloe's words echoed inside my head. 'you are using past tense honey'. I was just realising it now.

'its definately obvious that you want to get back with him...' Steph's words came back.

I trusted Sebastian with my heart and it's time that he knew. I wanted to tell him every thing, about my feelings, my trust and that I never stopped loving him.

I got up from my bed. I was wide awake and my blood was buzzing inside my body.

I was soo ready to tell him and get him back.

I opened the door to my room and tip toed towards his room. It was closed and no lights were on.

What if he was asleep?

I turned around to go back to my room.

Stop I told myself, it was now or never.

With my heart hammering in my chest, I knocked on the door to his room.

For a second nothing happened. Then I heard some shuffling inside and the door opened. Sebastian stood inside the room. His hair was messy and he was shirtless. He only had his pj shorts on. Confusion masked his face.

"Adalynn? What is going on is everything o..."

"Sebastian." I looked into his grey eyes coated with sleep. "I love you."

The reaction was immediate. He froze. Literally.

I took that as a sign to continue. "To be completely honest, I never stopped. My heart never moved on from yours. You were the only person I ever fell in love with and I ever want to." His hand had come up against the door frame to brace him. "You stayed here to gain my trust, to show me that you would never leave me again. And I believe you. I believe everything Sebastian. I give you my heart now. Who am I kidding, it was only yours to ever keep because I can't spend another second without you. Those seven years were torture and I don't even want to wait seven seconds now to tell you that I love you Sebastian, with all my heart." I blurted out everything that was inside me. Everything I felt about him.

He was still looking at me in shock. It was like he couldn't process what I was saying, like he couldn't understand a single word.

I waited for another second. But he was silent still. My lips turned downwards.

"I understand if you don't ..." I started.

But didn't get to complete it because Sebastian's hands were on my waist and his lips were on mine, kissing me like his whole life depended on it. At that moment it was like life came back into him.

His lips were passionate, hot and hungry on mine working on the years that we missed. His hands clutched me tightly and it felt like he couldn't believe that he had me in his arms. 

Sebastian pulled back slightly. He cupped my face in his hands. His grey eyes were bright with hope and happiness. And love. My pulse quickened.

"I love you still my sweetheart. I never stopped, even for a second." Tears burned behind my eyes. I closed them because of the relief and happiness I felt when I heard those beautiful words.

Sebastian leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine. "I love you Adalynn." He whispered again softly and I melted in his arms. His arms.

I was back in his arms. After seven years.

I was home again.

And it felt like I never left.



Freaking finally!

How are you feeling lovely people?

I am soo excited to write on ahead.

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