Chapter 21

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We emerged into the sitting area hand in hand. Gabe saw us and started whistling loudly.

I blushed while Sebastian laughed and drew me in tighter.

Stephanie gave me an excited thumbs up and Cole smiled broadly at us.

"Are you guys sleeping together now? Is that why Jeremy is sulking downstairs." Chloe asked as we sat together.

"No Chloe we are not sleeping together." I said as I forced a smile on my face.

"Ooh, so Sebastian is genuinely interested in you? Wow congratulations. That is one rare thing I encountered in my life."

"Chloe, shut up." Sebastian said.

Chloe turned towards me. "What about Jeremy? I thought you guys were a thing. I mean he babbled about you continuously and it was disgusting."

Gabe grinned cheekily. "We got a player in our hands."

Jeremy. Shit I forgot. I should tell him myself about Sebastian. He wasn't here. Probably on the lower deck.

"I should go find Jeremy and tell him myself." I whispered to Sebastian and I started pulling away.

He held on my hand tightly. "And then ask him to put Sun screen all over your body too." He taunted.

I rolled my eyes and suppressed a smile. "Collins are you jealous?"

"No I am just concerned about the disgusting things in the world and it was one of them I encountered myself." I laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"You guys are awfully disgusting. If you keep going on, you might just reach Steph and Cole's level. " Chloe sipped her drink. " I hate couples."

Gabe agreed and cheered her on that.

I excused myself and went downstairs to find Jeremy.

"Hey." I said as I found Jeremy standing by, sipping on his drink.

He saw me approaching and gave me a small sad smile.

He knew. Great. Makes my work easier.

"Hi." He said.

We stayed quite.

"So you and Sebastian? Can't say I didn't see that coming." Jeremy said.

"Yes. I like him and he likes me too. I thought I should tell you myself." I said.

He laughed. "Yeah, I knew when I walked into you guys kissing each other by the edge.   Does he like you really tho? Or is he just playing around like he usually does. Because Adalynn, Sebastian doesn't 'like' anyone. He just messes around. I have seen him. And I don't want you to be blinded by his charms." He said the end line bitterly.

Anger rose inside of me. "I'll keep that point in check. Thank you Jeremy for your very valuable advice. I just came down to tell you this. I should go."

He didn't know a thing about Sebastian and me. And he didn't deserve to. Or by any chance, even understand. So I didn't waste my breath and turned around to leave.

"I like you Adalynn." I stopped at Jeremy's words.

"Jeremy I am sorry I can't return those feelings. I am sure you will find someone else." I turned to face him.

"But I thought you did. You lead me on. You went on that date with me which Sebastian crashed. You texted and talked continuously with me, even flirted. You lead me on Adalynn." Jeremy said and I scoffed.

"I am sorry Jeremy if you got that impression. I was just trying to be friendly and even told you that it was only a friendly hang out for me and not a date. I made new friends and you were one of them. And I was glad to have found one." I confessed sincerely.

Jeremy sighed and pushed his hair back. "I'll be waiting for you Adalynn when Sebastian hurts you. Because I know he will. He's not the boyfriend material you think he is. We all know how is he like and you will soon see it too."

I didn't say anything just turned around and left. Let him be however he wants. I told him every thing and if he wants to be bitter about it and sulk, be my guest.

I returned to the upper deck. Everybody was packing up. I went towards Steph who was packing up the food in the basket.

"What's wrong my love?" Steph asked with concern etched over her features.

"Jeremy was being an ass." I said as I leaned into her and she rubbed my back. "All those things he said about Sebastian and me without having any damn idea."

"What a looser." Steph said into my hair. "You know your thing. Don't listen to anybody especially asses like him. You do you sis."

I smiled at my best friend. "I know. Who said that I was going to believe him or any shit that he said."

"Exactly." She wrapped her hands around me and gave me a tight hug. "I am very happy for you."

"Me too." I slapped her butt and went to clear up the trash. She laughed behind me.


Cole was going to drop me and Stephanie but Sebastian insisted on dropping me.

I sat behind him on his motorcycle and we drove away after Cole and Steph left.

We made it to my house in about 15 minutes.

"Thanks for dropping me." I said as I wrapped my arms around Sebastian's neck.

He smiled as he ran his hands up and down my spine.


"Yes sweetheart." He replied.

"I remember in your story, that you shared with Lionel your first crush things and even saw each other's girlfriends." His grey eyes found mine and he smirked lightly. "So I am asking that did you have a girlfriend before."

"Yep." I tried to keep the scowl off my features.

"Who? Tell me about her or them."

Sebastian laughed at my tone and pulled me tightly towards him.

"Okay, let's see. My first girlfriend was when I was in the second grade. We dated for 5 days."

"Five full days. That must be tough for you."I said, grinning.

"Very. She was very bossy. She tugged my ears when I wouldn't play with her." He rubbed his ear.

I laughed.

"Second one was when I was in 8th grade. We dated for like a full month before she broke it off because it affected her studies."

"You were dumped Collins." I laughed.

"Unfortunately yes. But since then never." He winked.

"Oh is it? You want me to try?" I challenged.

"Shut up." He said and he did shut me up. His lips found mine in a quick but passionate kiss.

"Good night." I whispered, smiling.

"Night sweetheart." He kissed my cheek and drove off.

Something had changed between us. We both felt connected to each other in a different way and I was very happy about it.


I love Chloe's little remarks. She's such a mood.

Jeremy was being an ass but our Adi baby handled it maturely, didn't she?

Random question: Tell me the cheesiest pick up line you have ever heard or used.

Vote please :)

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