Chapter 5

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I matched his eye contact. His eyes were darker than usual.

"Do you want me to say the truth?" I asked over my cup.

His hands were clenching and unclenching by his side.


I bit my lip. His grey eyes zeroed on it. I remembered what he used to say about it and let my lip free.

I looked down at my feet then back to his face. I sighed.

"It's been seven years. Whatever." I walked away, leaving Sebastian standing in the kitchen.

I didn't say the truth. He still bothered me. He still made my heart feel some time of way. I was scared that if I opened my mouth all the feelings would come rushing out. All the tears and pain I had hidden would rush out. I was looking out for myself.


Everybody was up and had their breakfasts. We ordered some delicious pancakes from a nearby breakfast place. They were amazing.

After breakfast we all were sitting down in the living area. Sebastian was in his room.

We all were talking when Sebastian walked in. He was wearing his last night grey suit.

Everybody got silent. My eyes were trained on him.

There it goes again. Another goodbye. I pushed my hands under my thighs to stop them from shaking. Too familiar my heart thought.

"It was nice meeting you all again." Sebastian's grey eyes stopped on everyone time from time. At last his eyes stopped on me. "I wasn't expecting running into you but I am glad that I did." My eyes were on my feet.

"But now I should get going. I have overstayed my welcome." He chuckled but I could sense his uneasiness underneath. It was hard for him too, to say goodbye.

"I'll be catching my flight tomorrow back home. But I hope we all stay in contact this time." His deep voice was the only sound. I wasn't looking at him. I couldn't.

Cole got up to hug Sebastian. "I missed you bro. It was seriously nice to catch up again." Sebastian hugged him back but I could sense his eyes on me.

Stephanie hugged him next. Then Aash and Chloe then it was finally my time.

Everybody was looking at me. I smiled at him. My heart was clenching inside my chest. This feels too familiar.

Another goodbye. This time probably forever.

Inspite of myself , I got up. I wanted one last touch of his hands around me. One last feel of his body against me. One last whiff of his smell. One last hug that I was deprived 7 years ago.

Sebastian was surprised. I could tell by his expression.

"I'll walk you out. " I said softly.

Sebastian nodded and walked beside me. We were silent. His hand brushed against mine for a second but then he moved away slightly to prevent that again.

My insides were a wreck.

Too familiar.

Too familiar.

It kept on repeating inside my head.

I opened the gate and stepped out after him. We looked into each other's eyes then he pulled up his arms and I slipped into them.

Tears almost immediately blinded me when familiar strong hands slid around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head across his shoulder. He smelt the same. His body against mine felt exactly the same like it did 7 years ago. I closed my eyes to take it all in for the last time ever. Sebastian's head was pressed against my hair and I could sense him taking it all in too.

I pulled back and turned around and walked inside. I couldn't let him see the tears on my face. It was hard for me even after seven years. Way too hard. I couldn't ever say goodbye to him. It was too painful. Even after 7 damn years.


I walked in my house and went up to my room. I locked it and got into my bed. The memories were too much. It felt like I was living again in that moment seven years ago.

Tears poured out of my eyes and I cried for a long time after a long time but for the same reason.

My heart felt like it was shattered again.

I took a bath and came out dressed in jeans and a casual top.

I had stopped crying. I was numb all over again.

I tried to smile at my friends but couldn't. They sensed something was wrong and came up to hug me.

I spent the whole day with my friends. They tried to cheer me up. Being in their company made me feel a lot better but a part of me couldn't stop thinking about how I lost a part of my heart again.


After spending the whole day together it was time for Aash to go. She was flying out again for her channel.

Steph and Cole would be going back tomorrow morning.

We all hugged Aash at the airport. It was sad to say goodbye to my best friends.

After returning home Steph and Cole went to pack and I turned to the kitchen to see if we had something for dinner.

At the end I decided to order in.

We all watched a movie and ate some pizza then went to sleep.

Next day we woke up early to see Stephanie and Cole go. Stephanie was cranky. She was always cranky when she woke up before her usual time.

I hugged my best friends tightly and watched them drive away. It was a sad day for me.

Chloe went back to sleep. But I didn't. I dressed up and went to my studio.

Whenever I was down I always turned to my studio. It made me feel a lot better.

I went to the studio and poured my heart out in singing.

It made me feel a lot better.


This part made me very sad.

What do you think of this chapter?

Do you like Adi and Sebastian together? Even after 7 years?

Are you an indoor or outdoor person?

SUMMER LOVE (✅)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora