Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning feeling funny inside my stomach. I wanted to laugh as soon as I opened my eyes. I wanted to sing till I couldn't anymore. I just wanted the world to know how happy I was feeling.

I opened my eyes slowly because of the light pouring in.

I turned my head and pressed it against the pillow. It was too bright.

"Collins do you sleep with your curtains open?" My voice came out muffled as my face was pressed against the pillow. "It's disturbingly bright dude."

A deep chuckle beside me made me smile too. I peaked at the figure beside me. My smile widened.


"Hey baby." Sebastian's hand caressed my cheek slowly and softly. His deep voice was sleep ridden and his hair was bed messy but it was his smile that made my heart soar.

It was happy and genuine. And I hadn't seen this smile since seven years ago.

"You look creepy." I whispered at him but I was grinning too. We just couldn't stop smiling.

He bursted out laughing.

"Girls dig this creepiness. Especially you" Sebastian winked.

I snorted. "Um ew. I have eyes Collins and this is hurting them." I tried to roll over.

Sebastian caught hold of my waist and pulled me back into his arms. I laughed loudly as he tickled my sides. He grinned down at me.

"You have gotten so annoying." I wiped my eyes to get rid of the tears I got because of the tickling then turned towards his face.

My fingers ran over his stubble. I wanted to do this since the first day.

"Do you like it?" He asked as he caught my hand and slipped his hand into it.

"Yes actually. It's makes you look more mature and handsome." I smiled as his hand played with mine, drawing circles and lines down my arm.

He narrowed his grey eyes. "Sweetheart are you complimenting me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself Collins."

He chuckled then leaned in to peck my lips.

"Your speech last night was amazing. It made my day." Sebastian was still smiling. "God I am soo happy ,I can't stop smiling because of it."


"Everything was the truth my love." I cupped his face in my hands. "I missed you Sebastian."

I leaned in to kiss him.

"I love you." Sebastian mummered in the kiss. I smiled and pulled back.

"And I love you Collins."


We got out of bed by afternoon. And that too because we both were hungry otherwise we weren't exactly in the mood to get out of bed.

I made lunch while Sebastian attended his meeting that he had in the afternoon.

We cuddled up together on the couch to watch a movie after we got over with our lunch. I had called in for a leave at work today.

We were in the middle of 'crazy stupid love' when my phone rang. Sebastian paused the movie while I got my phone.

It was a video call with my girls.

I smiled as I answered.


"Did you tell him?" Aash said.

"Did he profess his undying love for you too Adi? Tell me everything already!" Steph gushed.

"You don't look sad so that's a good thing." Chloe added at last.

"Well." I grinned.

"What?" Aash asked.

"Oh my God!" Steph exclaimed.

"You guys are definitely back together." Chloe said in a bored tone.

I smiled at Sebastian who rolled his eyes. I turned my phone towards him and Aash and Steph started screaming.

"I am not coming over anytime soon Adi. You guys are disgustang." Chloe wrinkled her nose as the screaming stopped.

Me and Sebastian both laughed.

"Oh my God you guys." Stephanie pouted. "You two are seriously meant to be together."

"Look at you two cuddling." Added Aash.

"You two are cuddling?" Chloe asked then brought her phone close to her eyes. "Ew." She said finally.

Everybody rolled their eyes.

We talked for like 5 more minutes before Aash got a call so we all cut the call too.

"I want you to talk to someone." Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "She's been wanting to talk to you."

I picked up my phone again and video called nina.

I gave my phone to Sebastian. He smiled as he read the name.

Nina answered.

"Lee... Sebastian?"

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled at nina.

A smile played on her lips. "So you two are back together then?"

Sebastian turned the phone in such a way that both of us were visible.

Nina looked at both of us together. "You two are soo beautiful together, soo happy. And soo in love."

Sebastian looked at me, his grey eyes crinkled as he smiled.

"But Sebastian." Sebastian's attention turned back to the video call.

"Yes nina."

"Take care of my Lee. I don't want to see her hurt. Ever. And specially not because of you." Nina's face was serious as she talked to Sebastian.

"I love her nina." He just replied with that sentence like it was enough. And it was.

Nina smiled at the answer. "That's what I like to hear."

We talked for a few more minutes then ended the call.

"I missed her." Sebastian said as he gave me my phone back.

"I am sure she missed you too."


Some days passed. Those days were pure bliss filled with infinite love.

We seriously were DISGUSTANG. As Chloe called it.

But we soaked in the love that was missing for seven years.

Surely we had been with people in the years but being in love and just dating casually were two very different things. And we caught up on that. And that being, being in love. Finally.

I returned back home from my studio in the evening. The lights were all on but I immediately sensed the missing presence of Sebastian.

I dropped my things on the dining table as I searched the kitchen. He wasn't there. Nor was he in the living room.

I climbed upstairs and opened the door to our bedroom. It was mine but Sebastian moved in too.

There he was, sitting on the bed with darkness all around.



But they are finally back together yayy!

Sebastian talked to nina again finally.

Steph and Aash are hype girls and Chloe is such a mood haha.

Btw the story is soon coming to an end :(

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