Chapter 10

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"Bitch if you don't stop laughing I am gonna kick your ass." I warned Sebastian as his laugh filled my ears through the phone.

"Sweetheart what the hell? Detective Macaroni? What shall I call you when we go on a mission. Hurry up agent macaroni , the criminal will run. And a macaroni will come running down. I can't stop imagining it." Sebastian laughed loudly.

"Shut up. I like how it sounds. So sophisticated. You don't even think that it's a dish. And it will be cool as my spy name." I grumbled in the phone.

Sebastian and I were still talking on the phone. We were talking about anything and everything. Right now the topic of our conversation was what would our names be if we were secret agents or detectives.

"What would your name be?" I asked into the phone.

"Oh easy, Big Daddy." Sebastian said cheekily.

I scoffed then bursted out laughing. "Boy. Bye."

"What?" He said, slightly offended. "Several girls say this to me when we-" I could already see the smirk on his face.

"Stop. Ew. Shut up. I don't want to know thank you very much." I interrupted him before he could complete his sentence.

He laughed at my tone lightly. Conversations were easy with Sebastian. He could never bore you. It was like you can talk to him endlessly and the topics won't end. It was really fun. And we connected too. We became friends instantly without trying much and nothing was awkward between us for which I was glad. I was glad that Sebastian was my friend now and we got along so well.

I yawned loudly in between. Sebastian chuckled.

"I can feel the effects of your yawn till here monster." Sebastian said and I chuckled sleepily.

"Sleep now Adalynn. Its already too late."

I checked the time.

Holy moly.

We were talking for almost an hour.

"Good night Collins." I mumbled.

"Good night Adalynn. Sleep tight." I smiled into the call.

"And yes." He continued. I pressed the phone again to my ear again. "Don't forget to dream about me." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't wanna have nightmares Collins." He snorted on the other side.

"Sweetheart it would be filled with steamy, interesting-" I cut the call. This man and his big mouth.

Suddenly my phone pinged and there was a message from Sebastian.

Good night sweetheart ;)

I smiled at the text. This guy was something else.

My phone pinged again. It was a message from Jeremy. I replied to it then went to sleep.

I was too tired.


The next couple of days went by smoothly. I spent most of my time with Nina and Stephanie.

I loved this place so much.

I was talking to Jeremy too. And calls with Sebastian at night became a thing.

It was past dinner and I was watching Friends waiting for Sebastian's call. Surprisingly, he and his annoying batter had grown on me.

I was just on the part of Ross and Emily's wedding when suddenly my phone started ringing.

A smile came up on my face as I picked my phone to answer, expecting it to be Sebastian.

"Hello there detective. I was wondering where you were? Did the criminal outrun you and your lazy ass?" I said into my phone expecting a deep laugh in return.

Instead I heard an awkward cough.

"Um hi Adalynn. This is Jeremy. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

Oh my gosh.

Talk about embarrassment.

I fumbled with my words. "Oh shit. Sorry Jeremy. I wasn't expecting your call."

"Oh. That's ok. Whose were you expecting?" He asked eagerly.

I sighed.

"My little sister." I lied. "Yes! Cousin. She's very much into detectives and such things right now. So we do this thing you know."
This lie rolled off my tongue without any issue. Wow. I am a bad person.

"Oh wow. I see." An awkward silence.

In that awkward silence I saw that my little sister Sebastian was calling me while I was on the call with Jeremy.

It stopped ringing then Sebastian started calling again. I couldn't pick up because of Jeremy.

"Um. So." Jeremy's voice brought me back to the phone call. I was getting a little restless. I wanted to talk to Sebastian. Not Jeremy. I mean Jeremy was nice but I didn't like him that much. But he was nice. Sweet. A little clingy. But good human. I didn't like this awkwardness between us that was why my interest in him went away very quickly.

"Yeah." I said absent-mindedly.

My phone pinged. I got a text.

I checked and saw that it was Sebastian.

'Hey! It is my time now !'

'Cut that call off dude!'

I rolled my eyes at his texts but smiled a little.

I texted back. 'Patience Collins.'

Jeremy was speaking but I was not paying much attention until something made me freeze.

"So I think what I am trying to say is that will you go out on a date with me tomorrow?" Jeremy's voice came up.


I cleared my throat. "Wow. I wasn't expecting that."

"You are not expecting a lot of things tonight." He chuckled awkwardly. "So, what do you say?"

"I can't tomorrow I am sorry. I am hanging out with Steph." I said. Which was partially true. I was gonna hang out with Steph tomorrow but only for like 15 minutes because she was coming over to borrow a dress of mine to wear on a date with Cole.

"Oh. What about day after tomorrow?"

I sighed. "Listen Jeremy. You are very sweet. But we just became friends. We don't even know each other properly. Don't you think it's too early to go on a date?" Please say yes.


But not really because Sebastian's text came up.

'Do you really talk this long?'

I ignored it.

"I know it's too early but I want to know you better. And I think you want to know me too. We have been talking so much. We could go on a friend's date. If you want. Then we can see what happens." Jeremy tried to reason.

Oh gosh. He brought the friend word. I can't say no to that.

"Ok then. This works."

"Great!" Jeremy said enthusiastically. "I'll pick you day after tomorrow at 8."

"Ok. See you. Bye." I cut the call.



Adalynn is going on a friendly date with Jeremy

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