Chapter VI: The Cullens

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I heard twigs snap around us while Jake circled around me and the cubs protectively and Leah, Seth and Quil stood around us. Then I capted a horrible smell of dead. Vampires.

"Jake, there's vampires" I almost whispered. He looked at me and I saw fear in his eyes, he was pannicking.
"We're gonna be fine, I promise we'll be fine ok? Don't worry please it's ok" I whispered to him in an attempt to have him to calm down.

A twig broke right behind me making me jump in fear wincing at the horrible pain in my leg. Jake now stood over my legs looking at the direction where the noise came from. Then I saw a group of vampires

come out of the darkness of the trees with wolves on they're tails

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come out of the darkness of the trees with wolves on they're tails. I sighed in relief.

Jake came to lie with his body behind me so I could rest my head on it which I did. I petted his head gently to calm him down because I felt him tense up as soon as one of the vampires, a blonde man, came towards us.

"Hello, I am Carlisle, I suppose you are Skylar? " The blonde man said.

"Uhm yeah... Was it necessary to bring your whole army with you for just a little bullet wound? I mean I don't want them to go all crazy because of the blood. I don't know if y'all drink shape shifter blood but I can assure you that more than one person in here won't approve " I said coldly. I hated vampires so much.

"Don't worry, we don't drink shape shifters blood, we just came to help Carlisle if necessary, I'm Alice by the way" An overly happy girl said. I nodded.

"Well what are you waiting for go on, do whatever you need to do, I'll be fine. I went through worse than that with time so go on. Don't worry if you hurt me" I said. Carlisle and Alice nodded and got into action while the rest of the vampires just stood there in disgust for some reason.

As soon as they touched the wound I winced in pain and grabbed onto Jake's soft furr. This is gonna a long afternoon.

Cleaning the wound was quite okay but taking the bullet out was a horrible task. I told them to just take it out no matter what I said and that's what they were doing.

The moment they put some kind of metally thingy I couldn't recognize inside the wound I screamed out it pain. Jake was still lying there but seeing me going through that pain was too much for him, I heard him whining softly the whole time.

The rest of the pack watched with they're hand covering they're mouth and Seth had tears in his eyes. The rest of the vampires just watched not even bothering to blink which irritated me a lot but what could I do.

When they finally pulled the bullet out I screamed out while a bursting pain shot through my whole body. That hunter had got me good.

When Carlisle and Alice had finished they're job tears of pain were rolling down my cheeks, I was breathing heavily and shaking like never before. I slowly sat up so Jake could get up, which he did.

He turned back human and threw himself on his knees pulling me into a huge warm hug. I started to cry into his chest. I never felt so much pain in my life.

"It's ok, it's ok, I'm right here" He whispered over and over again. God I loved that boy.

When I finally calmed down, still in Jake's arms I looked up at the Cullens and thanked them. They waved it off and ran back to their house.

Jake picked me up slowly while Seth picked up the cubs. The whole pack ran with us to Jake's house, which I didn't really like the idea of because I had never met his father, but I couldn't go back to the wolves. My wound would get infected and that would be bad so I had no choice. Seth brought the cubs there too so we could take care of them.

The moment we arrived in front of the house door, it burst open and I saw Jake's father in a wheel chair with a woman behind him

he was looking at us with a confused look probably 'cause his son had just appeared at his door carrying a wounded wild looking girl in his arms

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he was looking at us with a confused look probably 'cause his son had just appeared at his door carrying a wounded wild looking girl in his arms.

"Hey dad, uhm... I'll explain later? " I heard Jake say. "You better" His father replied.

Jake carried me into his room and lied  me down gently on his bed. Seth came in after him and sat the cubs by me and then left with a quick 'I better go'.

After Jake had put a blanket over me, he walked to the door.

"I better uhm, go explain the situation to my dad... I'll be right back ok? " He said. I nodded and he dissapeared.

"What the hell was that? " I heard his father ask from the room next door. "Dad, that there was Skylar, she's a shape shifter but you never saw her 'cause she lives with the wolves up in the mountains. Today I was patrolling and heard her howl, I went to see what was going on and she was shot by some hunter but she was still standing in front of the cubs we brought protecting them from him." Jake replied quickly.

The room stayed silent for a while "How did you even met that wild girl? You know she could be the wild one, I don't want you hanging around with assassins" His father broke the silence. I had enough with the bullshit. I stood up and limped to the room they were in.

As soon as I got in there Jake ran to me and held me close with one arm for support, I thanked him and then looked at his father.

"Mr Black, I know who you think I am, and let me get this clear... Yes, I am the wild one, or the intruder or the black demon, or whatever else they call me... " I said softly, he looked at me with a look of anger and fear, he was about to start yelling at me to get out when I continued my explanation. "But I never did ANYTHING you were told I did. I killed the vampires who killed those people, I didn't kill them, the vampires did. People are scared of me because I'm different, I mean how many times did you see a huge long furred black wolf with blue eyes? Never, you never saw one, that's why they call me the black demon. They call me the wild one because I lived among the wolves my whole life, they raised me. But I can guarantee you something sir. I will protect your son with my life. Always"


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