Chapter XXV: Overwhelmed

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Few weeks has passed and the Fallen pack had adapted itself pretty well at their new environment. At first they did some weird things but they quickly learned what they could and couldn't do so we wouldn't catch the human's attention.

Being the alpha of two packs, which one of them was huge and wild was exhausting but I was hanging in there even though I felt like I would be collapsing any minute. Jake and the pack were a huge help to me, they did what they could to help which did a lot.

Kaya was a responsable kid even though she was only 3 years old. She never did something dangerous and always sticked with either someone of the pack, Jake or me. The pack loved her and she loved them but she hated the Fallen pack because they abandoned her. We were her family now.


I was patrolling around our territory when suddenly I heard a howl coming  from the Camp's direction. Freaked out about what could've happened this time I started sprinting towards the Camp.

"What the hell is going on this time?! "  I asked pannicked through wolf telepathy. "Just hurry up! " Paul replied. Doing what I was told I fastened my pace even more if that was possible and a run that would've taken about 30 minutes only took 5. 

When I arrived, the whole Fallen pack was crowded around something and Jake and The Quilletes were on the side probably waiting for me. I ran to them in my wolf form and when I got there I could see their worried expressions. Something was very wrong.

I  looked at them without bothering to transform back. "You gotta hurry, we tried getting through the crowd but it's impossible, I have no clue what's going on but we keep on hearing screams! You need to get there. Now." Jake said as Kaya ran to me. She hugged my neck and after rubbing gently against Jake I ran as fast as possible to the crowd.

When I got to the edge of the thick crowd I had to growl and push people out of the way to get to what they were looking at I almost jumped in horror. A grey wolf shape-shifter was playing with a human boy more  less my age. The boy was full of scratches and blood but still conscious. Furious I ran towards them, pushed the grey  wolf off of the boy as I stood over the poor human and growled  at everyone. They all immediately backed up and ran away except for that grey wolf. As I continued to growl the other wolf seemed to be testing me but  I wouldn't leave  that  boy until Jake and the pack got there.

When they got  there and pulled the boy to the  side I walked over to the grey wolf and stood in front of him in an Alpha posture which made me huge. I could easily been the double of his size  at that moment but he  didn't move. Knowing I had to scare him somehow, I started growling  and snarling at him until he layed flat on  the floor. I threw one more deep  growl at him before running to where they  had taken the boy.

When I got there I ran  towards them still in my wolf form, which caused the boy to back  away, scared out of his mind. To make him see I wasn't going to hurt him I layed down and put my head on his good leg. The  pack, Jake, Emily and Kaya were watching every movement each of us made closely. When the boy relaxed I got up, took some distance and changed back in my human form.

The boy watched me with wide eyes as if he just saw a ghost and honestly I couldn't blame him. "Hey, it's okay. There's no need to be scared alright? None of us are gonna hurt you, and as long as you're under my protection nobody will " He opened his mouth but nothing came out. I just smiled at him.

"W- what are you? Who are you? What the hell is going on? " He asked panicked. "Hey  hey hey, it's okay. I'll explain  everything as soon as  we get you  fixed up alright? " I replied. He gave me an  unsure nod. "Embry, Paul, Leah. Get this boy to the Cullens, I have no idea how  humans react to these scars. Take a car though " I said. They immediately jumped in action and did what I said.

As soon as they were gone I hugged Kaya, told her to stay with Emily inside. Then I turned to Jared, Quil, Seth and Jake, everyone had came here, even the ones that were on patrol, after they heard Paul's howl. "Alright, so Quil, you take my patrol, I have to deal with  this situation,  I'll take your patrol later. and Jared, you  finish your patrol. Which leaves Seth and Jake, you two come with me. " Everyone nodded obediently. Quil and Jared left as Seth, Jake and I walked towards the Camp.

When we  arrived at the center of the camp everyone automatically gathered around us. "Alright who's the grey wolf from earlier? I don't want tricks or lies. I know his scent now  so even if y'all don't tell me I'll know. " Everyone pointed at someone in the back of the crowd. I sighed in exasperarion as I realised who it was. It  was the same boy  that had tried to get me to dump Jake for him the night we met the Fallen pack.

"You son of a bitch"  Jake exclaimed trying to walk towards him but I stopped him putting a hand on his chest. "Don't Jake, I'll deal with him. If he tries anything you  can do what you want but not now. " He immediately seemed to calm down  at my touch.

"You're one hell of a trouble-maker aren't ya? Alright  come over here. Right now. " I ordered gesturing for the guy to come. He came forward very slowly, obviously scared of me and my imprint. "What on earth were you thinking? What so you wanna get us all killed or something?! Do you even realise what would happen if whole of fucking town knew about us?! We would be considered monsters and would be hunted down  until the very fucking last of us! Is that  want you want? huh?! Because not them, not me not any of us!

"We have family and friends we fucking care about! And don't you dare tell me you don't have family or friends because I saw you around. Everyone treats you like their own family here and maybe you don't realise that but I damn well do! What  would've happened, huh? How would you have felt if you'd accidentally killed  that guy? And what if we can't get the dude to not tell anything? What are we gonna do? We can't kill him, we can't imprison him! We can't fucking hide from them forever. He saw my face, he saw my imprint's, he saw my daughter's, he saw my whole pack's face so then what, huh? What do we do if we start getting hunted?! What do we do when we start getting killed, one by one?" I paused for a second to calm myself a bit but then continued.

"I took care of your pack, including you and now you put all of us in danger. All of us. We have children! We have loved ones! We shouldn't be worried all the fucking time if they are safe or not. I'm a teenager, I'm 18 years old. I shouldn't be in a constant fight with vampires, humans and even less with people of my kind! We should be living our fucking lives and that's already hard but if you and people like you keep on putting our safety at risk all the time it becomes God damn impossible! " I  was furious but sad at the time as I realised the truth of my constant situation of danger. I tried to keep it under control but even though my voice came out as if they were venom, it broke few times through out the last sentences.

Everyone stepped back and the guy had wide eyes and froze everytime I looked at him.

I didn't realize tears of fear and sadness were flowing down my face until Jake pulled me against his chest. I grabbed onto the back of his shirt, crying into his chest as he held me tight. All of this was becoming too much, I was overwhelmed with responsibilities. I had been a ticking bomb for days and I finally snapped. I could only hope that my fears wouldn't become true.


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