Chapter XXVII: Things are rough

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"This is bad... This is so bad... What are we gonna do Jake? What if he does it? " Sky asked me anxiously. I pulled her into my chest trying to calm her down but she was shaking from the fear, sadness and anger. "Hey, nothing is going to happen to us. I promise alright? If that asshole can't keep his mouth shut for the sake of everybody here we will find another solution. I promise" I murmured softly. She had been shaking for the last 2 hours, stressing out because that asshole couldn't just promise he would keep his mouth shut about us wolves. Sky told us we couldn't kill him but at this point I wouldn't hesitate in doing so since we had been keeping him locked in a room for about 3 days but nobody had succeeded in convincing him to shut his dirty little mouth.

If he really went to the humans to tell them what we are and in the case they believed him we would be absolutely fucked and I can't have that. "I'll send Seth and Leah to try and convince him, don't worry Love. We're gonna be fine" I murmured into her hair she nodded but that didn't stop her from shaking.

"Mommy? Daddy? What's happening?" An innocent Kaya asked with her slight southern accent peeking out. I had realised that most of the fallen pack had the same accent as Sky, which made me curious because as far as I knew she hadn't grown up with anybody. I turned to her without letting my imprint go, gesturing at the little girl to come over to us. It was time to explain the situation after 3 days of making her wait.

"Things... Are uh... Rough for Mommy right now, I'm sure you noticed that" I said after we sat down on the couch. Kaya was sat on my right and Sky was curled up against me as I soothingly rubbed her back in a failed attempt to calm her down. The little girl nodded quickly wanting me to continue. "Look sweetie, remember when Mommy rescued a human from a wolf three days ago? " She nodded again "well, this human is threatening us... Saying he will tell his human friends about us wolves and your mom and I are working on funding a way were nobody gets hurt but it's complicated" Kaya looked up at me, then back at her mom with a concerned but kind of confused look.

"Why is it bad if the humans know about the packs being wolves? " She asked innocently. I sighed "Because humans don't know about us sweetie. They're scared of things that are different from them... They do bad things when they find something different out of fear"

There was a silence. I looked down at my imprint to find her sleeping against me. I smiled in relief since she hadn't slept for three nights now.

"What if I try to convince him? " My head snapped to my right. "No.. No Kaya we don't know what he's capable of" "I can go in with her" Paul's voice joined in. I looked at him for a few seconds before nodding slowly.

"Alright... I guess we can try.. but if something happens to my daughter because of this that's on you Lahote and I'm pretty sure I won't be the one kicking your ass" My voice was threatening and my glare was hard but I didn't care at all about it at that moment. Paul nodded slowly taking a slight step back.

The alpha side of my wolf had been showing a bit lately which was useful when Sky was exausted. I never wanted that to happen because I renounced my rightful role as an alpha the first time they told me and never reconsidered it since but I guess it stays useful when you're the Alpha's imprint.

"I'm gonna stay here with Sky until she wakes up. We'll send you two in there when she's awake 'cause she'd kill me if I do this behind her back, especially with you two" I stated.


"No. No. No, absolutely not" Skylar said shaking her head. "I told you she wouldn't like it" Jared stated. I glared at him before saying "She'll be fine Love, she'll be with Paul, I mean a human against Paul? Can you even picture that? Please love, it's our only option right now." She looked at me with a desperate look and that could only mean one thing. She was giving in. I smirked at her lack of resistance she usually had for this kind of things, she had never given up on an argument so easily. She was one stubborn girl and I loved that about her. "Oh nah ah don't go dancing in victory for winning an argument here, you know perfectly well I'm only doing this because we have no choice" She complained playfully as she laughed with us. That might have been the only time I saw her laugh or even smile in those three stressful days and it only made me happier.


"You're sure you want to do this sweetie? You really don't have to you know that right? " Sky asked our daughter for about the tenth time in five minutes. "Love she'll be fine" I replied for Kaya, which was standing next to Paul, her tiny hand in his huge one, ready to go into the room.

Sky sighed, hugged the little girl and then hugged Paul. I was fine with her hugging Kaya but I got a bit stiff when she hugged Paul tightly, burrying her face in his shoulder muttering something I couldn't hear. Paul just hugged her back and nodded. When they finally pulled back and looked at each other I couldn't help the fact that my jealousy was boiling inside of me.

Then my daughter and my imprint's best friend went into the room where a person that could kill two whole packs of wolves with only a few words was in.

Sky finally looked over at me and she clearly noticed something was wrong. When she went to ask about it I put my hand up, stopping her from talking and stormed out of the room. I didn't understand why I was so jealous, the only thing I knew at that moment was that I was.


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