Chapter XV: Invitation

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I couldn't believe it. Bella just making up things to try and make me look bad or get me killed after all I did for her.

I was still crying into Jake's chest not knowing what I was supposed to do. I was so grateful for what Edward was doing for us. "Bella you need to leave before Jacob boy here completely looses it or Paul gets here. Edward, you can stay if you want that's up to you" Emily said.

"I'm not going anywhere! " Bella practically yelled at her, that was enough for me to finally snap. Stepping away from Jake I walked to Bella straightening my posture. "Bella if you don't leave I am going to kick your ugly ass out of our territory, I don't know who you think you are honey but I sure as hell know who I am and what I'm capable of and so does anyone in here so you have two options. One. You walk out of this house by yourself like a good girl. Two. I kick you out myself. I would choose wisely if I were you" I said with a scary tone of authority that even impressed myself and sure as hell scared her.

She stepped few steps away from me which almost made me burst out laughing but I stood strong. "C'mon Edward, we're leaving" She told Edward but he didn't even move, clearly he didn't know how to tell her he needed to talk to us so I jumped in. "No honey. You mean you're leaving. Bye Bella. And pray to not meet my path again anytime soon 'cause it won't be any fun" I said in a very cold voice to her. Glaring from me to Jake she finally left.

The moment she shut the door we all sighed in relief. "Thank you Skylar" Edward said to me with a grateful smile I smiled back before replying "yeah no problem. I thought it was probably time somebody put her ugly ass back in her place and I think that none of you would have managed to do that without just wiping her out of existence" Everyone burst out laughing.

"Edward you wanted to talk? " I finally managed to ask him. "Yeah, right. How did you even know in the first place? " He asked I smiled and replied as if it was obvious "you vampires are the same like humans but just... Dead... So it's not that hard to figure out your looks and facial expressions. Remember that I did spend 18 years with wolves and if you couldn't tell, I learned to be very observative there. Now go on, what did you wanna say? "

He looked sort of impressed about my words and answered a bit shocked "y.. Yeah so we've been wanting to invite all of you to the graduation party we're having at our house at well, graduation.. To thank you for all of what you did for us, fighting against Victoria, and I also wanted to thank you Skylar for saving Bella so many times even though she is so ungrateful to you"

I glanced at him and smiled "I'm sure that some of us will agree to come along at your party and you don't need to worry about Bella, she's just like that but I don't ever let anyone behind, no matter what they did. That's one of my number one rules" Was my reply to him. A proud Jacob hugged me tight from behind, I leaned into him smiling. Edward smiled at me before saying "I should better go before Bella gets hurt, thanks again" And left in an impressive speed but that I could definitely beat.

"Are y'all alright? " I asked turning to the rest of the pack who were all staring at me a bit shocked. "Yeah, you got here right on time, but er... Whose that wolf? " Seth asked pointing at Snow, who was like glued to my leg from the fear. I laughed "that's snowflake, snow for short, she's a little survivor that's what she is. I've known her since she was about 1 week old and she's awesome. Anyways, she's gonna stay with us for a while, she doesn't like leaving my side so much so that's that" I replied with a smile.

Introducing the pack members to her was easier than I had expected. She didn't growl at any of them, she was just curious.

After the introduction I sat down on the couch to start focusing on the more important stuff going on "Now guys come on, isn't graduation supposed to be in 2 days? I need to go to that party just in case Victoria decides to show up and I don't think it's such a good idea for me to go on my own, not that I can't take her but I know her, she's smart, there is no way she would be coming alone so someone will be having to come with me. At least 2 or 3 people " I stated. Everyone looked at each other.

"Obviously I'll be coming" Jake said. "Yeah I figured you'd say that. Who else will tag along, knowing though that it's Cullen territory, like literally in their house. " I replied.

"I'll come with you guys" Jared finally spoke up, breaking the tense silence "alright I'll come too" Quil also ended up saying. "Thanks guys, just... Don't loose it at the Cullen's 'cause. One. There will be tons of humans and two. We can't shift in their territory, it's what the treaty says and I can't do anything to save you guys if you break the rules apart from trying to convince them" I explained. They nodded and all of them went to the beach to play soccer while Emily, Jake and I waited in the house for Paul and Leah to come back from patrol.

Few hours passed by when Paul and Leah finally showed up.

"Well about time! I was worried sick! What do you want? Get me killed by worries or something? " I exclaimed when they entered the house right before pulling each of them in a tight hug. "Ok ok we're sorry, we just lost track of time, patrolling with Leah isn't that bad after all" Paul said earning a punch in the shoulder from Leah. "Yeah yeah you love birds go get Seth and Jared, they're going on patrol now" I ordered earning a slap on the head from Leah. Before I could do anything she ran out the house with Paul on her heels and quickly after I could hear two wolves running into the forest.

"These two are just alike, they would look good together " I stated. Jake and Emily couldn't do anything else but accept that I was right.


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