Chapter XIX: Broken Bones

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We had already brought Jake to his house and now Carlisle was inside with him ready to rebreak his bones. I was right outside the door next to Paul, biting my nails because of the anxiety.

Suddenly I heard a scream of pain coming from inside and a hollow feeling in me. Knowing from who the scream came I immediately broke down crying. Paul catched me before I could fall onto my knees completely and held me close to him. When more screams came, he covered my ears while he held me close and I held onto him tightly crying.

After about a minute or two the screaming stopped for a moment. I got up and right at the moment I lifted my head I saw Bella coming towards the house. With a killing look in my eyes I stepped up to her confidently with Paul on my heels, as if he was scared something would happen to me. "What's going on? " Bella asked the moment I was face to face with her.

"Well what the hell do you think?! You saw him! YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED! So why the hell are you asking?! " I nearly yelled at her. She looked at me with a challenging kind of look I didn't understood why she had "well not my fault he's stupid enough to date a girl that can't even protect him" She replied coldly. That's when I lost my shit. "EXCUSE ME?! Listen 'miss perfect', you couldn't have even got that thing off of him and it's your fault we were in this fight in the first place so if there's someone to blame it's you! " I now yelled at her. I stared at her shocked face for few seconds when I heard another scream coming from inside.

My eyes widened and tears started to run down my face again. Noticing that, Paul immediately pulled me into a tight hug and as the screams kept on coming I collapsed in his arms. He held me close until the screams stopped again.

This time when I lifted my head I saw Carlisle coming out the house. I shot up in a flash and speed walked towards him with Bella behind me for some reason. "Can I go in to see him?" Bella then asked. My eyebrows shut up as I glared at her. Before I could say anything Paul had already jumped into action "I think the hell not Bella. You better get back in your old rusty truck and stay there until Jake asks you to come in, which he most likely won't." He said coldly. I glanced at him with a grateful smile but Bella being Bella didn't give up that easy, she grabbed my arm and tried pulling me out of the way to get in the house. I didn't even flinch and Paul couldn't have it.

"Bella get. The. Fuck. Away. From her" He snapped at her as he yanked her away from me. She glared me down and went back to her truck. I nodded thankfully at Paul, then looked in Carlisle's direction while he gave me a nod before opening the door for me to get in. I walked in and headed towards Jake's room.

"Sky?" He asked in a weak voice the moment I arrived at the doorway. Trying to hold my tears back I quickly walked to his bed and kneeled next to it so I'd be at his height more less. "Hey" I said in a soft voice taking his hand in mine. "Hey" He replied with a weak smile. I was trying hard to keep myself together but I knew that it wouldn't last very long. "How are you feeling? " I asked keeping my voice soft so I could try to keep the cracks under control. "Terrible" He said chuckling a bit. I bit my under lip trying to keep it together "I'm so sorry I didn't see it coming.. It should've been me.. I.. I'm sorry" I suddenly blurted.

He looked at me before speaking "You saved me love.. You saved me and you're blaming yourself while I just got some broken bones? I could've been killed easily if you hadn't killed that bloodsucker. After all I just have some broken bones while you've got scars everywhere and you're bleeding from everywhere. I mean did you even see your leg and your face? I was supposed to protect you but at the end you were the one to save me so do not blame yourself. Alright? " I couldn't hold myself together anymore.

I felt tears flowing down my face even though I was trying all I could to fight them back. Noticing it, Jake patted the space next to him on the bed. I layed there, careful not to hurt him. The moment my body layed next to him, he pulled me as close as possible before kissing my lips softly. "It's ok.. I'm right here, I'm not leaving" He then whispered in my ear. I smiled a bit and started to play with his hair as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. After a while, he fell asleep and I stayed next to him, without moving so he could sleep ok.

Half an hour had passed when Jake suddenly started moving around roughly and woke up with a scream sitting up quickly. I jumped up and pulled him into a hug when I saw he was breathing heavily and looked disoriented. He tensed up at first but then relaxed as he started to cry. "Hey hey what's wrong? What happened? " I asked in a soft voice, he didn't answer for a long a while as he cried into my shoulder, after a while he finally managed to calm down and to look up at me. "I.. I just had a nightmare.. Sorry" He said. I smiled at him before pulling him into a hug.

"It's alright, we're all gonna be ok. Did you hurt yourself? " I said examining him closely to make sure everything was ok. He shook his head, then we layed back down, he layed his head on my shoulder  and I played with his hair so he could go back to sleep feeling as safe as possible. Few minutes later he was back asleep but I was unable to do so. I was scared something would happen to him while I slept.

After about an hour, Paul walked in to check up on us and apparently, seeing his expression he wanted to talk to us or me so I put Jake's head on the bed and walked right out the door to talk to him.

"Is he ok? " Paul asked when I reached him. I looked at him with almost teary eyes before replying. "I don't know.. He acts like he's fine but he's not, I can see it in his expression every time he moves.. He woke up earlier from a nightmare and scared me to death... I don't know what to think anymore" He looked at me eyes full of pity, he knew I felt guilty.

When I finished talking he pulled me into a hug, I buried my head in his shoulder as tears began to spill. I was weak right now but I didn't want to, I hated being weak.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise from inside Jake's room, as if something fell and then a loud groan. I jumped at the noise, almost kicked the door open to see Jake on the floor with his nighttable over him. My eyes widened and I rushed towards him, pushed to table back to it's place and helped him back onto his bed.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left. I was talking with Paul I'm so so-" He cut me off by standing up and kissing me. At first I froze  but then I kissed back.

When we pulled back he put a hand on  my cheek and looked into my still watery eyes. I tried to smile so he wouldn't worry but the  only thing that came out was a clearly fake smile.

"You don't have to fake your smiles around me Love. I know  you're worried and you  feel horrible and guilty so  you don't have to smile, come here" He  said before wrapping his arms around me. "I love you " I murmured softly but loud enough for him to hear, he smiled and then replied "I love you too darling". He buried his head in the crook of my neck as I played with his hair. I wanted him to feel safe, to feel protected.

The only thing that mattered to me at that moment was to make sure he was okay, even though my leg was in quite the opposite of a good shape and I had scars all over my face but I ignored the pain just for him and the pack.

I was once afraid of love, scared to not be myself after I would fall in love. Now I feel like love, is the only thing that keeps me going in life. The love for my imprint, the love for my pack and for the wolves.

On that moment, after the battle, I realised how it really felt like to love, and to be loved.

But I not only realised that. I also realised that even though I may never have known my blood family it didn't matter, because I had found a family that would never leave me behind. I found a family that loved me, appreciated me, worried about me and wanted the best for me.

My blood family may not have given me the best start, but the family I had right now, would do anything to give me the best life.


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