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Hey everyone!

(Please read this, it's quite important)

So I wanted to thank all of you that got until here, it really means a lot to me and I never thought I'd get so much reads, like it's insane. Really thank y'all so so much!

I also wanted to say that if y'all have any requests of a story you'd like me to write or for things that you'd like to happen in this book feel free to comment them. I'll read all of them even if time passed after I wrote this.

If you notice any mistakes in the book feel free to comment about it and I'll correct, I won't take it as hate or anything.

Thank y'all so much and if you enjoy the book so far don't forget you can always Follow me so you'll know whenever I post a message or start a new story!

I've also created an Instagram account for wattpad where y'all can contact me and I'll be posting updates,  ideas and other stuff:


I love y'all so much and it means incredibly much to me that you've reached until here in this book! I'll be updating as much as I can!

Remember that you're perfect the way you are and don't let anyone tell you the opposite! I know that you try your best to do everything right but things don't always go the way we would wish they'd go but don't let that push you down! And if you need someone to talk to you can comment an I'll do what I can to help!

Lots of love❤

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