Chapter XXVI: Panic attack

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"What on earth were you thinking?! What so you wanna get us all killed or something? Do you even realise what would happen if whole of fucking town knew about us?! We would be considered monsters and would be hunted down  until the very fucking last of us! Is that  want you want? huh?! Because not them, not me not any of us!" she paused for a second, trying to calm herself down but then continued.

"We have family and friends we fucking care about. And don't you dare tell me you don't have family or friends because I saw you around. Everyone treats you like their own family here and maybe you don't realise that but I damn well do! What  would've happened, huh? How would you have felt if you'd accidentally killed  that poor guy? And what if we can't get the guy to not tell anything? What are we gonna do? We can't kill him, we can't imprison him! We can't hide from them forever. He saw my face, he saw my imprint's, he saw my daughter's he, saw my whole pack's face so then what, huh? What do we do if we start getting hunted? What do we do when we start getting killed, one by one? I took care of your pack, including you and now you put all of us in danger.. All of us. We have children, we have loved ones. We shouldn't be worried all the fucking time if they are safe or not.. I'm a teenager.. I'm 18 years old, you know I shouldn't be in a constant fight with vampires, humans and less with people of my kind! We should be living our fucking lives and that's already hard enough but if you and people like you keep on putting our safety at risk all the time it becomes God damn impossible! " Skylar yelled at the guy. She was livid but broken at the same time. Her words were like venom but I heard her voice break during the last sentences which made me look over at her to see tears flowing down her face.

As my heart broke at her words and the expression on her face I pulled her into my chest. She immediately grabbed onto the back of my shirt and cried into my chest. I could tell she was overwhelmed by everything. She had been acting weird for the last few days, I tried asking her about it but she wouldn't tell me anything which had me worried.

I glared daggers at the guy she had been yelling at as I lifted my imrpint up and carried her away into the forest so she could have some space to calm down. The dude seemed shocked  but I didn't give a shit about it.

When I got in the forest still carrying her, I looked for a place comfortable enough to sit and ended up sitting down against a huge tree and placed Skylar on my lap. She wrapped her legs around my waist and buried her head in my shoulder.

"Hey, hey look at me love. Look at me." I said calmly. She looked up at me, I put a hand on her cheek while the other was still securely around her waist. She leaned into my touch still sobbing.

"I know this is a lot, too much even and I get this is hard alright? But it's all gonna be okay eventually, you hear me? We're all gonna be fine" She seemed to calm down a bit for a second but not for long. "Yeah, well what if there isn't time for it get better? What if we get hunted? What if they hurt you or Kaya? What if- " She stopped talking before I could stop her. I looked at her concerned and noticed her breath was fastening.

I could feel her hyperventilate. And that's when I realized she was having an anxiety attack. "Fuck... Shit shit. Hey hey Love look at me come on. Breathe with me, we're gonna be fine" I was panicking because I had no idea what to do. I never had one of them or saw someone have one.

"I c- can't b- breathe" She barely whispered. "I know, I know.. It's gonna be okay love, trust me. Nothing will ever happen to you, Kaya or me. Come on breathe with me, please darling" I held her face and turned it carefully so she would look at me as I tried to make her breathe with me but nothing worked.

5 minutes had passed and I was completely panicking. Nothing was working, she looked pale almost as if she was about to pass out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down I kissed her. I felt her melt into me as she kissed back. After a few seconds we pulled back and I hugged her tight, burying my face in the crook of her neck as a single tear ran down my face. It worked.

"Thanks Love" She whispered while she ran her fingers through my hair. "You scared me" I whispered with a breaking voice. "I know, I know Love I'm sorry. I'm okay now, I'll find a solution to all of this.. I promise" I pulled back from the hug and pressed her forehead against mine.

"No, we are going to find a solution. You're not alone in this. I love you, the pack loves you, Kaya loves you and we're all in this together yeah? " My voice was almost a whisper. She nodded against my forehead. "I love you too" She whispered as she got cozy against my chest. She was exhausted. I pulled her against me and not long after she fell asleep. About an hour later I got up, lifted her up bridal style holding her tightly against my chest and carried her back to Emily's house. We now had our own room there because we had to be there 24/7 due to the intense situation with the Fallen pack.

The moment I pushed the door open and walked in the whole pack came running towards us, including Emily and Kaya.

"What the hell happened? Is everything okay? " Leah asked, whispering to my relief. "She had a panic attack, she needs some sleep, I need two of y'all to patrol the camp for the night and two others to patrol around the territory. I don't want anyone barging into our room tonight except for Kaya" I replied. They all nodded with worried expressions on their face but I chose to ignore them and walked up to our room with Kaya on my heels.

I could tell Kaya was worried about her mom because as soon as I layed Sky on the bed she lifted herself on it, put the blanket over her and then crawled under the blanket and as close as humanly possible to her mom, hugging her tightly. With a smile I got in too on Sky's other side, her back was turned to me so I hugged her from behind and held Kaya as well.

The only wish I would've made at that moment would have been for them to be safe no matter what.

Soon after, I had fallen asleep still hugging Kaya and Skylar as close as possible.


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