Chapter XXXIX: Try It

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"if you're talking about me, Sky I can take them. You know I can-" a kid that couldn't be much more than 15 tried saying but Skylar cut him off. "no Seth. No I can't loose you, I can't risk that too" she told him looking over at him.

"what is going in here?" another vampire unexpectedly joined into the conversation, walking straight to the only human in the group. "nothing Edward. You don't need to worry about it" Skylar said rather kindly. That's when he noticed my presence.

"who is she?" he asked stepping infront of the human. "it's nothing Edward, just please take Bella away from this in case it did became something" Sky once more replied shooting me a hard glare.

Edward obeyed after thinking for a second and took who I supposed was his mate away from the whole situation.

"Sky.. I wanted to come back, I swear I did but it was just too dangerous-" I tried saying but was quickly cut off by who I had considered a daughter during a long time. "Kimora could you please just fuck off?! I finally had my life pulled together and here you come, destroying everything. Again." she spat at me.

I could tell she was on edge and so could her imprint that I had noticed earlier because he put a gentle hand on her shoulder. I could immediately see her relax a bit at the touch. She then turned towards him with a sad smile.

"could you go check on Kaya?" she asked. He nodded before planting a kiss on her forehead and walking into the mansion we were all standing behind of.

"so you uh.. Made your own family huh?" I asked, a bit heart broken knowing I would never form part of it.

"yeah. I did. And not because you helped me, not because anyone helped me. I built this shit on my fucking own" she hissed. I tried to walk closer to her but was immediately stopped by a rough push backwards by what could only be another shape shifter.

"stay the fuck away from her" he growled going to stand next to the blue eyed girl.

"you warned us. You did what you had to do. Now you can leave" Sky growled at her turn using her alpha tone, almost even growing in height as she walked towards me and that's when something inside me snapped.

"hey! I did everything to raise you! Everything! And now you have the audacity to, instead of thanking me you fucking try and kick me out of a territory that's not even yours?! Oh please!" I yelled more on the harsh side.

"the nerve. Kimora get the fuck off my land or we're gonna have problems"she growled walking closer, the rest of her pack right behind her ready to fight, the big guy that had pushed me earlier on her left, the youngest on her right and the rest behind her.

"you think you can take me? Go on! Try it" I challenged, which I would realise to be a very bad idea.

She shifted into her wolf form but what I hadn't expected was her to be taller than me even standing on her four paws. Last time I had seen her her wolf form would come a bit higher than my stomach.

She growled and snarled as the rest of her pack shifted as well, following her example.

At the beginning I was determined that I wouldn't move but that would change soon enough. When I didn't budge she went to stand in her alpha stand which made her even bigger.

"shit" I whispered under my breath when I met her hard glare. She let out a low growl as the other wolves snarled and that's what made me run off.

When I took off running I could hear three wolves following me closely but without attacking, as if they just wanted to make sure I got off their territory which I sure did.

When I first got to forks I thought maybe she'd be happy to see me beside everything that had happened but I was a damn fool to think so. And I couldn't blame her for being mad at me or even wanting me dead, I was the one who deserted her and killed half the wolf pack after gaining her trust.

Once I crossed the border the wolves stopped following me and I heard Skylar howl, as if letting the others know it was safe.

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